~The first time-Part 1~

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It was around 1:30 in the afternoon on a Monday. I, Anastassia, was sitting in my Engineering class next to my best friend Sam. We were just talking about random things about the guy she liked, school, what we wanted to do that weekend. Sam started talking about a friend, she had known since she was a child. I took a liking to him from what she had told me. Now, I know most people just like someone nowadays because they're cute or have money. But, that's not the case for me.  I normally don't like someone just hearing about them. She had told me things about him that I like and want in a person. I had just gone through a breakup and told myself, I was done with dating for a while. But, I just couldn't. I liked everything Sam told me about him.

"You two are like an OTP! I just know you two would be good and or are made for one another!" Sam went on telling me more and more about him.  I smiled and couldn't wait to talk to him.

That afternoon Sam texted me and sent me his number. I texted him right after, I was told it was his number.

Hi, Is this Min Min?

Greetings! yes, I assume you are Anastassia?

Yes, that's me!

We talked for hours. He was really nice. I kind of started to like him more. I told Sam about our conversation and she was so happy for me. We talked and talk for a long time until I needed to go to bed. He told me goodnight and I told him to have a good day.

Why, would I tell him to have a good day? well because he lives in Korea. Oh, how I hated it. But being able to talk to him was so nice. I even got to see a photo of him. He looked like a model. A k-pop star.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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