Chapter 2: Whitesun Academy

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Later that morning Sophie groaned as she sat up in bed and stretched.

Getting out of bed Sophie yawned and went to her dresser to grab her hairbrush. After brushing her hair, Sophie reached for her jewellery box to retrieve the last thing she had left of her life before becoming a Silverthorne, a stainless-steel necklace with a heart shaped gray diamond pendant.

After securing the necklace around her neck, Sophie went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As Sophie grabbed the bacon, the egg carton, a loaf of bread, some butter, a container of peanut butter, a jar of jam, and a frying pan, Sophie's parents walked into the kitchen. And just as Sophie turned on the stove, put the pan on the burner, and put some bacon in the pan, Sophie's dad came up behind her and pulled her head into his chest, kissed her forehead and said, "Good morning Soph. Did you sleep well?"

Sophie shrugged and said, "Okay, I guess."

"Whydo you say that?" Her mother asked. "Did you have a 'nightmare' again?"

Sophie nodded and replied, "Yeah, I woke up around 3:15 A.M. and couldn't sleep after that so I went outside for some fresh air for a bit before I went back to bed."

Her father listened intently, "Well at least you managed to fall back asleep, you do technically have school today. Now let your dear old dad finish making breakfast."

Just as he reached for the frying pan Sophie half turned and pushed her dad away from the stove and said, "Oh no you don't dad. I've made that mistake before. You can't cook breakfast to save your life. Barbecue definitely, but not breakfast."

"You're so mean to your father," he pouted.

Turning back to the bacon, Sophie started turning it while her mother said, "Sweetie, our daughter is right, you can't cook breakfast to save your life," while smiling at her husband.

Sophie's father gave a little grumble about no one loving him and sat at the table and continued to pout.

Sophie and her mother giggled at her father's antics and grabbed a plate from the cupboard to put the bacon on.

After removing the bacon from the pan and pouring the grease into a jar, Sophie turned her head when she heard someone half-asleep tripping over themselves down the stairs before face-planting into the wall at the bottom of the stairs.

After a few moments a freckled face with orange hair and a large red mark on their forehead popped into the kitchen with their eyes closed and nose pointed up slightly, taking a deep breath.

"Sophie's cooking breakfast," Jacob said with a smile on his face as his head lowered and he opened his seal brown eyes to see his sister placing the pan back on the stove and then move to the egg carton.

Sophie smiled and said, "Yes I am, Jacob. Now how many eggs do you want and how do you want them?"

"You know I always ask for two eggs scrambled with cheese and bacon mixed in."

"I know, I was just asking in case you wanted something different this time," Sophie said.

"I'll have two sunny side up eggs please," said Sophie's mother.

"And I'll have three over easy, Soph," said her father.

"Three! Are you taking one in your lunch, dad?" Sophie asked.

"My baby's making breakfast, of course I'm going to take some of it in my lunch!" He said.

"Let me guess, you're going to brag to the other teachers about my cooking again, aren't you?"

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