Unconcious Torment

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Thorne's Point Of View:

I looked down as I heard the knife force it's way into her gut by my hand. She looked straight into my eyes, the pain and the sadness I saw at that moment...betrayal.
I couldn't believe what I had done! As we looked at each other, everything went silent but the sound of her sweet voice.
"I thought you loved me?" The tears in her eyes made my heart ache, but I wasn't in control of my own body, I couldn't do anything!
I was useless! All I could do was watch my sweet Cress suffer; there was nothing I could do to stop it! I looked back down at my hand still gripping the knife. Only then did I realize how much blood had soaked through her orange and black butterfly dress that she had worn to Queen Levana's coronation. It was all over my hands...

I woke up in a sweat, I could feel warm tears starting at the corners of my eyes.
I had to check on her, just to make sure it was a dream!
I tip toed across the hallway of the guest wing we were staying in. I quietly opened the door to Cress' room, and heard a small whimper? I saw Cress in her bed rocking a little bit in her sleep. She's having one too.
"She's okay." I thought to myself. I walked around to see her face, her beautiful face, usually with a deep blush when she's around him, and an amazing smile. But this time there was no smile, no blush, just pure horror and sadness. She was crying.
I sat down on the side of her bed and brushed the hair from her face. Slowly I leaned in and kissed her forehead. I pulled her up close to my chest, and she woke up slightly and started crying more on my shoulder when she realized it was me.
She tried to talk but was still trembling from her nightmare.
I caressed the back of her head and placed a kiss on the top of her head. We curled up in her bed, Cress still crying a little bit. I didn't let go of her. I was to scared that I would wake up with her gone. That my dream wasn't a dream. That she was gone! I wasn't going to let that happen.

Cress' Point Of View:

I woke up in the warm comfort of Captain Carswell Thorne's embrace. I felt the same kind of protectiveness as the night that it all happened. When he kissed me! That was also the night when Levana had controlled his body, nearly making him jump off the balcony and stab me in the stomach...the same night I shot off two of his fingers before he could shoot Cinder, but even then, it was still a matter of time before he grabbed another gun while I was on the floor and shot Cinder in the back.

It Wasn't You!

We must have fallen asleep in each others arms. I don't know how long we had been like that but I was already sore. I was about to pull out of his arms when I felt a soft kiss meet my lips. He had just woken up and he startled me. As I tried to move, I could still feel a searing pain in my stomach where the knife had been.
The pain has gotten a little better over the past few days, but maybe that's because of all the drugs they still have me taking.
I winced and made a small noise in pain and I guess Thorne had heard it and sat up quickly as he could with an expression of guilt.
"I'm sorry Cress. I'm so so sorry!"
I could see tears start at his eyes. He helped me out of bed.
"It wasn't you it was Levana! Don't forget that I had just shot of your fingers so I think of it as payback." I said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood, but it seemed to make Thorne more upset.
"So what, it was a few fingers!? YOU ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" He was clearly really upset with himself.
"But I'm okay now!" I put on a weak smile trying to fight through the pain. He could tell it wasn't a real smile and looked at me, then at my stomach, then he looked straight into my eyes. I may have been in lots of physical pain, but the mental pain that Thorne was feeling was just as bad as my wound. They'd visited each others rooms almost everyday. They knew that they were both having nightmares about what happened, but last night it had really made Thorne uneasy, and after putting on a brave face each day trying to block out that memory, he finally cracked. He couldn't stop. I a kiss on his cheek, "I love you captain."
He sniffled and then started to settle down, "I love you too Cress."

The End

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