Chapter 7: The Captain Of Heart Is Made Known.

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"W-what are you?!"Dauagen said worriedly. 

"What am I? Well, I am me. In my ascended state." he answered calmly.

"B-but that's one of the m-most complex magic techniques there is!" she said. 

"It took years to master...but being the son of a very powerful Mage, does do you some favors every now and again," Roseaen said jokingly. "Now where were we? Ah yes. Our battle!" he said. 

With that he had drawn his lance and rushed her with such speed he was a white, black and red blur. Dauagen tried to raise her scythe but it seemed she was now the slower one. It flew out of her hand and into the dirt. He had shot razor sharp rose petals at her and they tore through her armor and ice. Stunning her and the others with how powerful his magic was. Which left her exposed to Roseaen's attacks. He attacked with such force that she was soon starting to use up all of her mana and stamina to keep him from hitting her. But she kept dodging back in a strange pattern. He saw what she was doing and, using rose vines, grabbed the scythe and flung it sideways. It looked like it was going to come back and cut him in two but he slashed up with such force it created a vacuum of air. The attack split the scythe in two. 

Dauagen, tired, collapsed onto the ground. Roseaen spun the lance in his hands and pointed the tip of his lance at her heart. 

"Please...don'" she breathed. No one could hear her plead. 

"Well. You have lost this battle. You have disrespected my mother. Who was the one to save you that fateful day the kingdom was attacked? Even when it nearly cost her life. Even after how cruel you were to her and so many of her friends. She still found it in her heart to forgive you. " he said. He raised his arm. 

"Please..!" she pleaded as the lance cut the air.


                                             Chapter 8: Hollow's Anger Reaches Its Peak

It struck the ground. 

"" She said before collapsing.

Roseaen picked up the lance and sheathed it. He returned to his normal state in a flash of white. Field medics came to get Dauagen. As this happened, Hollow and Atacess came onto the area. 

"Hollow," he said kindly "Would you please take this to the Head medic?" he asked. 

"Yes thy liege," she answered. 

"Hello, King Atacess." Roseaen said. 

"Howdy!" he responded. "Now Captain. I hear that you have just defeated Miss Learina and almost killed her because she made an attempt on your life. Is this correct?" He said.

"Yes indeed thy liege," he said as he hung his head. 

"Well then. I'm impressed. Not many can claim the title of defeating 'The Ice Wraith' herself." Atacess said admirably.

Roseaen's head jerked up.

"Wait... your not upset? Or angry?" Roseaen said confused. 

"No, I'm not actually. Quite the contrary," he said. 

"I've never met someone who has hidden such powerful magic from me before. The simple fact that you can do that without consciously thinking is very impressive. Very impressive indeed." he said smiling. 

"W-well thank you King Atacess. I'm glad that all my training hasn't gone to waste," he said. 

"How and where did you learn such magic?" Hollow asked as she came back. "That, to my knowledge, isn't taught in normal magic classes." She said.

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