Chapter .. I dont remember

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Destinys pov

We all stood in the bathroom fpr a little hopin that everything will be okay i looked at carnell " carnell can i ask you a question" " uhh id it really important ... We really should stay quite" he said i wanted to punch him " nigga dont hush me " i wispered/yell
" what?" Said carnell " why did u come back " he looked at me and smiled " i came back for you babe i love you " i smiled and realized that i love a person that could die in the next few minutes " wait" dustin said he grabbed the top of the toilet thing ( u know the thing that block the filter) and gave it to carnell he took the shower rod and held it up " if they enter just swing you girls run and keep running till you reached the parking lot and stay by the car and ait for us" i started to tear up and looked at carnell he looked at me and said " baby i will be okay i promise just run u have to " " im not leaving u " ge pulled me into a big hug " baby you have to i wouldnt be able to live with my self if u died here today and i didnt " i looked up and he kissed me and we got ready

Bryan pov
I went to destiny's room with the guys it was locked i shot the door nob and opened the door they werent there we started to look around and i couldnt find anyone ... I looked at the bathroom nd wiggled the door nob locked lol

Dustins pov
We heard the dor nob wiggle then we hot ready we heard a gun shot nd the door busted open as soon as it opened carnell hit bryan in the head and deanna and destiny ran i picked up the gun that fell on the floor and carnell hot the two guys that were with bryan i pointed the gun at bryan "B come on man dont do this" i said " "she cheated on me shes gonna know what its like to loose love" right then i realized i sent the wrong person to run he wasnt after destiny hes after carnell i looked at carnell. "Bryan hes your brother why would you do this !"
Destiny's pov
I kept running but i couldnt get carnells saftey out my head :( i changedy direction and started running back before i got there i stopped by the security office all of them were knocked out cold i looked around for a weapon of some sort i saw a tazor and a gun i grabbed both and ran back to the room i walked in holding the gun in my hand i saw dustin holding bryan at gun point "destiny what are you doing here" bryan got up knocked dustin down and grabbed his gun carnell started running twords me but bryan shot him the leg i grabbed carnell and started to run i hid him behind the desk and held the gun up to the three guys that were coming twords me " you shoot one of us we both shoot u " bryan grinned i heard a gun cock " two bad she cant shoot three but we can" i saw adriana and heard anthony cock his gun in back of them i smiled "your surrounded" bryan grabbed a little kid and held the gun to his head" you shoot the bullet is going through his brian faster then our bodies hit the floor " i looked at the little kid and though of an idea i grabbed carnell and kissed him " carnell " i said i saw bryans eyes enrage even more hes right where i want him " carnell i think i should let u know im pregnant the night before u left was great and i never forgot it " right away carnell caught on to my skeem " thats great news ... But i guess we wont get to see the baby after all" bryan was so furious he dropped thw kid and ran toweds carnell i took my tazor and hir bryan in his rib he fell and i held him at gun point adriana and anthony shot the two guys down but bryan was still alive. I cocked my gun right when 7 cops busted through the door " freeze!" We all looked up at them and i dropped the gun

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