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The bottle of wine that sat between the two friends was quickly depleting. Milliliter by milliliter, the women downed the red liquid through a series of lingering sips. Truthfully, Lisa wasn’t really a big fan of red wine, but it was Jennie’s turn to host ‘Girl’s Night In’ and red wine was her drink of choice. Luckily, there were only a few more sips left, so she figured she would surrender the bottle to Jennie, as she had already worked up quite a buzz.

“That shit is disgusting,” The doe-eyed woman muttered as she passed the bottle to Jennie.

She received a rather dramatic eye roll in return as her small brunette friend grabbed it from her while finishing the mouthful of popcorn she had indulged in. Crumbs covered the couch, as well as both of their laps, but cleanliness was never a factor on Girl’s Night.

“Someone’s bitter,” Jennie returned, washing her kernels down with the last of the wine.

“I am not bitter,” Lisa retorted, laying her head against the armrest of the couch as she kicked her feet up on Jennie’s lap. “I’m frustrated.”

Jennie, just seconds away from erupting into a fit of giggles, rubbed at Lisa’s calves affectionately. “Is someone missing Niki, perhaps?”

“Missing is a very strong word, Nini. I definitely don’t miss her,” Lisa corrected in a matter-of-fact tone. “I’m just frustrated that I don’t have someone to fuck anymore.”

“Oh, give me a break, Lisa,” Jennie scoffed. “It’s been six days. Jesus, you act like you’ll die if you don’t have sex.”

Lisa shot up from her position on the couch, her eye contact intense and almost deadly on Jennie. This might have been intimidating to the small brunette if Lisa wasn’t such a teddy bear in every other scenario. So she sat back calmly, a hint of a smile on her lips, and let the woman rant.

“I fucking will die. You don’t know, Nini. You’ve never experienced the joys of having sex whenever you wanted it,” She explained passionately. “It’s like a drug. Like, you know when you get stressed out and so you drink your glass of wine and it calms you down?” Jennie nodded knowingly, waiting to see where Lisa would go with this. “Well, that’s what sex is for me. When I get hard, I get fucking angry and just need to.. get it out!”

She ended her spiel using her hands to make an explosive gesture, causing Jennie to narrow her eyes. She replayed that last sentence in her mind over a few times.

“Get it out.. Like, coming?” Jennie giggled. “You think the root of your frustrations lies in your balls, Lisa?”

“Fuck off, Jennie,” The doe-eyed woman relented as her friend laughed. “You don’t understand.”

“No, I do. I do,” Jennie reiterated, adjusting herself to face Lisa. “I get it. It’s like… having an orgasm kind of… lightens you, in a way.”

“Yes, exactly,” Lisa agreed. “And since I haven’t had sex in almost a week, I just feel so fucking heavy.”

“Heavy with cum?” Jennie jested once again, this time receiving a handful of popcorn in her face as she laughed at Lisa’s misfortunes.

The two of them were just this way – completely comfortable talking about the most intimate of subjects with each other. They had always done it and it made both women feel good to know there was one other person in the world who knew things about them and trusted them like no one else did.

Having spent the entirety of their high school and college careers together, Jennie was fully educated on the details of Lisa’s sex life. She was the first girl to find out that Lisa was intersex and the first to hear about every girl who got to experience it. They were just that close.

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