Chapter Two: How far am I willing to go?

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"Okay Carmen, I think I have everything I need from you. I should have all your results by tomorrow morning, and I will call you personally to discuss. If any come back positive, we'll bring you in to discuss possible treatments. In the event that you test positive for something that is not curable, for example if you were to test positive for HIV, I would have to put into your paperwork that you are unable to be employed here and you would have to seek treatment elsewhere." Dr. Beyer explained. I nodded, I wasn't worried. I hadn't been with anyone sexually or otherwise since... I stopped the thought cold in its tracks before the grief and anger could strike my heart. Dr. Beyer spoke again, "I think you're good to head down to reception and meet Christopher. He should be expecting you."

"Thank you for being so helpful, Dr. Beyer." I smiled and waved before I let myself out and headed for the elevator. 

When I stepped into the lobby on the first floor, my eyes scanned the room looking for someone who was looking for me. They landed on a tall, muscular, attractive blond man. He was leaning casually on the main desk and his blue eyes seemed to widen in interest for a moment when they found me.

"Ms. Avery, I presume?" He asked in a sultry tone, smiling confidently.  I smiled back, hoping I was not noticeably blushing and nodded. He offered me his hand.

"Carmen, please." I shook his hand,  and he smirked sexily. My stomach fluttered but I quickly scolded myself. Sure, he was good looking, but his line of work was a huge red flag... of course, what did that say about me?

"So Carmen," the way he said my name sent shivers down my spine, "why don't we head to my office? Part of my job here as the booker is to build you a profile of sorts. Likes, dislikes, sexual orientation." I raised my eyebrows at this, which he noticed. "You'd be surprised how many female clients we serve, and we do have male escorts as well. We're a very inclusive business." He chuckled. He gestured across the floor to a glass door and followed close behind me as we made our way to it. He held the door and nodded at the chair in front of the grand oak desk. He took the seat behind the computer and typed for a minute before turning his gaze on me again. While waiting for him to finish typing my eyes had wandered to the nameplate facing me, which read Christopher Solano. I raised my eyebrows. "Stefan and I are adopted siblings." He chuckled, following my gaze. I wasn't sure what to make of that. Brothers going into the formal prostitution business together. Interesting.

"Shall we begin?" He asked, still with the confident smirk. It never seemed to leave his face. Not that I was complaining, it was a very nice smile...

"Sure." I smiled nervously.


While Christopher asked me all his questions, typing all the way, there seemed to be a certain tension in the room. I had found myself blushing over the course of the conversation, and found myself self-conscious and almost flustered now as I waited for him to finish typing up the final details of my profile. I never thought that I would be sitting in a room with a complete stranger, answering questions about my sexual preferences. Of course, I also never imaged myself sleeping with complete strangers for money either, yet here I was... Christopher stopped typing and cleared his throat.

"Okay, this looks good. After we get your test results tomorrow and get a few photos of you, we can submit your profile to our catalogue. Shouldn't be long after that you get your first client, beautiful young lady such as yourself." He grinned and I tried unsuccessfully to hide my blush.

"Photos?" I asked, furrowing my brow slightly. I suppose this shouldn't have surprised or unsettled me, but I felt self-conscious yet again.

"Yes, we'll do a small photoshoot and choose some shots to submit with your profile. You'll have full approval of which photos we use, of course."

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