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The sun started to rise as John made his way around his house, going to the lattice that stretched up the brick wall. He climbed up the lattice skillfully as he has done it multiple times, pushing his window open then lifting himself through it, landing in his room with a soft thud. He got up and closed his window, closing the curtains to block out the rising sun before walking to his bed, stripping down to his boxers before he fell back, his comforter puffing up around him.

John didn't wake up until eleven when his mother came into his room, pushing open his curtains, letting the sun shine right on his face, causing him to pull his comforter over his face. "Up, John." His mother said as she pulled the comforter off her son. "You're having lunch with that nice boy at one, remember?"

John groaned, shoving his face into his pillow.

"You need to get up, John." His mother walked to his closet, going through it as she picked him out an outfit. "Henry is a lovely man. Even more lovely with that pile of money his parents sit on."

John stretched out, sitting up. He rubbed his face then watched his mother. "I don't even like him, mum. Definitely don't want to marry him."

Mrs. Watson pulled out a light grey button up with one of John's navy blue sweaters. "Fine. But we'll just keep looking." She said as she set the shirts on John's bed, going back into the closet to look for a pair of jeans.

"You mean you." John got out of bed, yawning as he walked into his bathroom, starting the shower.

"You need to marry, John. You don't want to take over the company and your father is close to retirement and looking for someone to had it of to. Preferably someone in the family." She said over the running water. "A car will be here for you quarter before one. Be ready."

John heard his bedroom door close then went out to his room, grabbing his jeans from last night and taking his phone out, going back into the bathroom with it as he responded to a few texts from sweet, posh boys he met last night at the club. John's mom would lose her marbles if she found out her son snuck out almost every night to go out clubbing and hook up with random strangers. She was very protective over her son. Kept strict rules in the house, always controlled what John did, and never, ever let him out of the house past midnight. He was coming up on his twenty second birthday and 'needed' to marry before his father decided to retire. John thought it was all bullshit. He didn't believe that his father was retiring soon because all he did was work. He'd never retire. John wanted to get married once his father actually retired. Not in advanced. He also wanted to choose who he wanted to marry. Not who his mother wanted him to marry. He just wanted to live his own life, but that never happens when his mother is heavy in his life.

Sherlock carried the tray of food over to the table and distributed the food out. "If you need anything just call for me." he said and flashed a smile before walking to the kitchen and preparing his next order. Working at Angelo's Diner gave him just enough to pay rent and get necessities, even if he got a discount on rent because he lived in the shit hole flat above the diner. He saw Greg come in from the window and quickly piled up the tray before taking it out to the table that ordered the food.

"Mornin'." Greg said to Sherlock as he poured him a cup of coffee. "How much did you make last night?"

Sherlock set the coffee pot back in the coffeemaker. "Not enough." he said to Greg.

"Well, you almost got caught."

Sherlock sighed. "Don't remind me."

"Sherlock! Order ready!" Angelo shouted from the kitchen.

"Usual?" Sherlock asked Greg.

Greg nodded. "Extra bacon today, please."

Sherlock tucked his tray as he wrote Greg's order out on the notepad, sticking it up as he started to pile the tray of food, carrying it out to the couple that ordered it. He sighed in frustration as he set a plate down, someone shoving into him, causing the tomato soup to spill of him.

"Watch it, Tramp." the man said, getting a laugh from the group that followed him.

Sherlock shook his head. He put on a fake smile and looked down at the woman. "I'll have another server bring another bowl to you. Sorry for the inconvenience." he turned around and his smile faded as he stormed back into the kitchen. "I need another tomato soup, Angelo." he said as he set the tray down roughly.

"Anderson in with the boys?" Angelo asked. "I'll throw 'em out."

"It's fine. I'm gonna change quickly." Sherlock said the left the kitchen, going to the corridor and going through the door that read Employees Only. He bounded up the steps to his flat and went in quickly, not bothering to close the door as he stripped off his black button down, tossing it somewhere as he went into his closet and took out another, putting it on then buttoning it up as he walked down the steps.

"Sherlock. Soup." Angelo said, gesturing to the bowl of soup. "And I already gave Greg his order."

"Thanks." Sherlock tucked the tail of his shirt with one hand as he picked up the bowl of soup with the other. Once he finished tucking his shirt in he grabbed the coffee pot and carried the soup the woman before going around and filling up everyone's coffee. He walked back behind the bar and put the coffee pot back up before turning to Greg. "Anything tonight?"

Greg shook his head. "Nothing much on Monday nights. I'm keeping an eye open though, don't worry."

Sherlock sighed as he watched Anderson's table, seeing his group messing around. "If I keep making enough, I'll be out by next month. Hopefully."

"I can get you a better job, mate."

"And leave Angelo with just Valerie and Ivy? That be cruel to that poor man." Sherlock turned and started to make a fresh pot of coffee.

"I'm just sayin'." Greg took out his wallet and left money for his order.

Sherlock took the money and rung Greg up at the register, giving him his change. "I don't think I'll come out tonight. I want to be here encase Valerie decides not to show up again."

"Tomorrow night?"

Sherlock shrugged. "Depends. I'll see ya, Greg." he said as he walked out from behind the bar, toughing it out as he walked over to Anderon's table.

John was able to kick off his shoes before his mother came into his room, asking how it was.

"He's an okay, guy. I've told you this, mum."

"So he's a no?"

"Yes. I do not want to marry Henry. Frankly, I don't want to marry anyone." John muttered the last part as he fell back onto his bed, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, you need to. I will be hosting a party this Friday night and there will be many candidates for you to select from. Weather you want to or not."

John sighed into his hands. "Whatever, mum."

"I expect you to be at dinner tonight." she said with a hint of anger in her tone before leaving her son's room, closing the door.

John stood up and took off his jeans, walking into his closet and pulling on a pair of his dolphin hem shirts. He took off his sweater and button down, pulling on a loose t-shirt. As he walked back to his bed, he grabbed his phone from the pocket of his jeans before laying down in his neatly made bed, shooting Irene a text asking if she could come over.

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