The Beginning pt.3

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"Something's gotta change, but I know it won't"

"And the award goes to..." the announcer of the song of the year drawled, finally saying who won the award. Yoongi looked over at Namjoon. He hadn't said anything for a while and it was worrying Yoongi. Then, all of a sudden, he turned his head and looked at Yoongi.

"Do you think we'll ever be there?" Namjoon asked him. Yoongi hesitated to answer, knowing his depression could get bad watching things like this.

"I truly don't know, Joon," he said after a while. Namjoon just nodded like he was right.

"Hyung," he said. Now Yoongi was scared. Namjoon never called Yoongi hyung if they were just alone. The two had been around each other for so long that they knew what the other was thinking just by looking at them. But right now, Yoongi had no idea what Namjoon had inside his head.

"Do you ever think that we won't make it? That we'll flop and have to disband because we couldn't make any money? Do you ever think this is all for nothing?" Namjoon looked at Yoongi with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Yoongi was becoming angry. He didn't like how this was going. "Sometimes, I just wanna die." There was silence for a moment. Yoongi was taken aback Namjoon's sudden outburst. He wished he would shut up. He knew Namjoon had a lot of stress on him, and that he didn't have the most optimistic thoughts, but he never thought that Namjoon would ever get so depressed to think that.

"Namjoon, the world would be an even worse place if you weren't in it. Don't ever say that again, you promise?" Yoongi said. He was still upset over what Namjoon said. For a man with an IQ of 148, he sure was dumb at times.

"I just don't want to let everyone down. Jungkook-"

"Jungkook chose to be apart of the group and company, as did the rest of us. We knew about the work and hardships we would have to face when we signed the contract. We all agreed to be apart of Bangtan Soyeondan, so whatever happens, is on all of us." Yoongi was almost glaring at Namjoon at this point. He cared about the man, and the world was already tough on him, him having to deal with his parents, his past, and everything in between. Yoongi couldn't bare to think something to happen to him. He was scared.

"I miss Wendy," Yoongi heard Namjoon whimper. His ex, as he remembered. She was very special to him, as he could tell. When they were together he would talk about her nonstop. Now, after she left, he was busy moping around. It reminded Suga of Joohyun. God he missed her. He wanted to search her up, see how she is, tell her how he feels, to get her back in his arms once more...

But he wouldn't.

He told himself that enough was enough. That everything they went through was in the past and that he should move on with his life. Even if it hurt like hell.

Yoongi heard silent snoring next to him. Namjoon had fallen into a deep sleep and didn't look like he was waking up anytime soon. Yoongi got up and turned the T.V. off, and pulled a blanket on top of Namjoon's tall, slim body, leaving him in the living room to sleep.

Yoongi went over to his own room, taking a notebook out of his bedside drawer, and wrote a few things down.

Maybe, everything will change
The sky will be clearer
The sun will be brighter
But for right now, I'm stuck in the same old situation, getting dimmer and dimmer

It wasn't his best but it would do for now. Things will change he thought, and they will.

I'm not proud of this.
I feel depressed (I'm not gonna kill myself I just feel sad) and out of it lately for certain reasons that I can't really say right now. I'll probably be updating much more than usual because writing is really helping me right now so I'll TRY To update more on this no promises might be publishing new book okay gotta go bye ily❤❤❤😘

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