Ch 1 - Beginning

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The Royal Family invites all females to participate in the Blue Flame Festival in two months at Blood Square. There shall only be three winners, so send forward the best you can offer.

Eriko knew the day was coming since she was young, yet knowing just how little time she had left only dawned on her as she peered over the other heads staring at the announcement. She sighed, and began making her way toward the back of the crowd, pulling her hood up in the process. Although she was sure the others recognized her, Eriko knew her parents would be furious if they found out she snuck out again. Especially her father, he was getting stricter and stricter by the day. Eriko knew he had reason to be, the Blue Flame Festival wasn't an event to be taken lightly.


Eriko whipped around, her eyes wide when she saw her older brother storming towards her. Despite her hoodie covering most of her head and face, her brother could sense it was her. Eriko turned and faced him, knowing full well that he would catch her easily if she ran.

"Older brother Michiro, what are you doing here?" Eriko asked innocently, though she knew full well she would get snitched on to her father.

"It's well past your curfew, Ocana. You know what will happen once I take you back home." Michiro hissed, glaring daggers at his little sister as though she were a troublesome pest.  His tone didn't really get to Eriko, she was used to this sort of behavior. With a simple nod, Eriko walked ahead of Michiro, keeping her gaze forward like she had been taught to do.


"You are set on causing more trouble for yourself aren't you, Ocana?" Eriko winced as she was hit with the back of her father's hand on her head. She had a few bruises running down her arms already, but her father had decided they were not enough and added some new ones to the batch. Eriko sat in silence, keeping her head down as she was instructed to do. Her father stopped in front of her, red eyes ablaze with fury as he curled his hands into a fist and punched her. Eriko let out a small whimper as she fell back, hitting her head on the hard-tiled floor. Her father continued beating her, Eriko laying still and letting him do as he pleased.

It'll all be over soon.

Eriko wasn't sure when her father stopped hitting her, and she especially didn't know when the servants dragged her away to clean her up. All Eriko knew was that she had a pounding headache when she awoke the next day.

Slowly bringing a hand up to her bandaged head, Eriko winced at the pain that shot through her body upon contact. She let her hand fall down to her side, not wanting to even get out of bed. Sadly, the servants walked in and forced her to get ready for the day. They didn't hesitate to pull a short, puffy red dress over her head, and they didn't ask whether she could walk in the incredibly tight heels they attached to her feet. Eriko eventually was pushed out of her room once she was completely ready, being told that her family was waiting for her. Knowing she was already going to be scolded for being late to breakfast, Eriko took her time getting to the dining room.

All chatter died down when Eriko walked in, her eyes down as she took a seat at the far end of the long table. Her father, seated across from her had his hands folded on the table, eyes focused on Eriko. She didn't dare look up, instead waiting for his harangue to commence.

"Ocana. Look at me."

Eriko knew she was going to really get it this time, for her father never allowed her to look him in the eye. Letting out a small breath, Eriko brought her gaze and made eye contact with her father, immediately noting all of the stares from her whole family. Her father had a cold gleam in his eyes, much colder than usual.

"Look at your brothers."

Eriko moved her gaze to the left, looking at each one of her brothers individually. First it was Edgath, the first born and married to the daughter or a wealthy family. Second was Hepht, second born and married to the first born female of another wealthy family. Third was Michiro, the fifth born who was always striving to outdo his brothers. Michiro was always picking on Eriko since she was the youngest of her sisters. Maybe he felt the need to show that he was better than her, Eriko never really knew. Her brothers weren't weak and would often compete among themselves to see who was the better fighter.

"Look at your sisters."

On the right side of the table were three girls, all with a smug look in their eyes as Eriko made eye contact. The first born girl, Daita, was married to a wealthy son from the same family as Edgath's wife. Yuni was engaged and would soon be married to one of the powerful men where the Ocana's resided. Haide would soon become one of the most well known fighters among her age in the whole city. All three were role models for countless other girls their ages for their looks.

"Now, look at your mother and I."

Eriko looked back at her father; her mother was behind his chair. Her parents had an arranged marriage, but they seemed to get along most of the time. Both beat her and scolded her endlessly, never showing appreciation or kindness toward their youngest daughter. Eriko was convinced they despised her.

"The Ocana Family is known for its powerful sons and beautiful daughters, its wealth and influence among the other families, and its connection to the Royal Family itself. Our family goes back many generations. Everyone you see in front of you has lived up to their name. And then, there is you." He paused, a few seconds rolling by before he suddenly slammed his hands on the table. Only Eriko jumped, causing her brothers and sisters to snicker quietly. Casting her gaze down, Eriko pressed her lips together. "You, Eriko Ocana, have brought nothing but shame to this family! Being the youngest, you should be working twice as hard to prove yourself, yet all I ever see in you is laziness!" Her father stood up, making his way over to Eriko's seat. "Why do you think you are not allowed to go outside or meet with anyone? Because you refuse to listen!" He banged his left hand down in front of her, causing the table to scrape against the floor and emit a loud screech. "You have neither strength nor beauty. The only thing you can do right is take beatings wordlessly. I have invested much more time and effort in training you compared to your siblings, you should be better than this." He took a step back and turned his back on Eriko.

"You have two months, Ocana. If you do not prove yourself then, you can give up your name and live in the slums with the rats!" Eriko felt her hands begin to shake, the thought of being disowned causing fear to rise up inside her. She despised her family, but to be thrown out and forgotten was the ultimate dishonor; Eriko wouldn't be able to continue living knowing she was as worthless as a rodent. "Go back to your room, I'll send you dinner later."

Eriko stood up and made her way to her bedroom, shutting the door quietly. She didn't mutter a single word as she made her way to her bed, taking off her shoes and laying down. A single tear rolled down her face, more following suit after a few seconds. Her quiet sobs were muffled by her hand so she wouldn't be scolded even more.

I have to win. I have to.

~Thank you for reading~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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