8. U S K I - H I S

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Haniyah stared at the big diamond that was on her finger. It didn't belong there. She wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. She her supposed to be at home. With her family. Her head was hurting, and so was her heart. Tears kept slipping from her eyes.

She was his.

She belonged to him now.

It hurt so much. He didn't even look at her during the ceremony.  Her father was there, but he didn't even look at her. He just got up and just left.

How could he?

How could he do that to me?

Did he forget that I was his daughter?

Did he forget I was his youngest child, the child that was more beloved to him than anything else?

Did he forget that he was giving his daughter away to a dangerous man?

Why didn't Zuber or Adam stop him?

Tell him no?

Why did mama not stop him?

Why did they do this to me?

Before she knew it she fell onto Aaban's - their - room and cried her heart out. She cried in pain. It hurt so much. She won't be able to fulfill her dreams, she will most likely not see her friends ever again.

She was lost.

She felt alone.

No matter how hard she tried to stop crying the tears just streamed down her face.

The dress she wore started to feel like a burden, the jewelry began to feel itchy, and the ring on her finger began to feel heavy, the more she stared at it the more it felt heavy.

She jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Standing behind her was him.

The man she would now call her husband

He placed his hand on her cheeks, wiping away the tears.

"D-don't touch me." she tried to push his hands away.

She watched as his eyes darkened.

" I'm your husband, I have all right to touch you"

With that sadness washed away and anger filled Haniyah's body.

"You might be my husband because... because of whatever happened today, but for me" I pointed towards myself "you'll never be my husband!" She snarled "you'll never mean anything to me."

His eyes flared in anger, but she still felt angry.

Who does he think he is?

She was no ones property. This all happen because of him. Why didn't he say no. Why did he have to accept this marriage.

So did you, you also accepted this nikkah.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.

"Yet you're here." He smirked. "Standing in my room, honey." He pressed his lips against her exposed neck, slowly kissing up her neck to her ear.

"You're my wife, doll, I have the right to do whatever the fūck I want to," He bit her ear, "you belong to me." He pulled his lips away from her ear.

And with the that he slammed his lips onto her.

Her eyes widened as she began to slap his chest and push for him to move, to let her go, while tears rolled down her face.

How dare he?!

He pushed himself off of Haniyha as he felt her tears.

Just as he pulled away she slapped him, hard.

He had no rights to do what he did.

How dare he?

He looked at her with his green eyes, that were filled with range. He was man of respect. A man with pride. Her slap hit him right in his heart, it hurt his ego.

All the anger that Haniyha was feeling from before suddenly disappeared and fear crept into her body.

The fear she felt was something she had never felt before. Not even when she was grabbed at the park that night, or even when she woke up in the unfamiliar room. She wasn't scared, no, she was terrified.  Her hands shaking, while her heart thumping fast against her chest.

The most devilish smirk slipped onto his lips, while his eyes still held anger in them.

He closed the little distance that was between them.

She couldn't move. Her mind, it told her to run, to save herself from the monster who's breath she could feel, but her feet didn't agree, they stayed in there place.

"I'-I-" she was cut off by, a finger on her lips, his beautiful eyes looked down into hers.

His eyes held no emotion.

They were blank.

" another word..." he whispered, his fingers harshly parting her wet lips. " I won't hesitate to put a bullet through you." he finished.

He wasn't joking.

He was insane and dangerous.

She glared at his face, as her smart mind told her to stay quiet while her stupid mouth didn't want to agree.

" I don't care. I'm not afraid of you," A lie, I knew he could tell she was trembling with fear. "I would rather die  than be with you." She finished.

"Really?" he asked, his fingers still rubbing her lips.

She slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me." She snarled.

His smirk widened, while his eyes narrowed.

He quickly wrapped his hands her my small wrist and pulled her towards him.

"One day you'll be begging for my touch." He smirked.

"Never" She glared into his eyes.

All he did was smirk.

"We'll just have to see about that won't we doll?" And with that he let her go.

"I said it before and I will say it again, I'll never be yours, I don't want you."  Confidence filled her body.

His smirk never left his lips as he turned around and walked into the washroom.

What the hell just happened?

As he was out of sight, she slowly sat down on the bed.

As she touched her lips, the feeling of his lips on hers, sent shivers down her back. Her heart began to beat faster, her cheeks turned red as replayed the kiss in her mind.

My first kiss.

Warmth spread through her body.

And she slowly felt her body starting to give up, the days events were finally getting to her.

Pulling her dress on to the bed, she closed her eyes, and not knowing how she welcomed sleep in the heavy gown, but sleep wrapped her up like a warm blanket pulling her into a sweet slumber.

And she was falling asleep with the thoughts of one man.

The man she called her husband.

The man she called her husband

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