Chapter 1: Spartans never die

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= Hair color
(H/l)= Hair length
(E/c)= Eye color

(Y/n) POV

Darkness... was all I could see and felt cold perhaps Zeus is sending me to the underworld to suffer.... for what I've done.. I don't know but all I can think about now is how my life went, in my life the military was all I know from birth to be trained at an early age to become a Spartan... it was brutal, I wanted to give up so bad but.. through it all I somehow managed to go through all the trainings and all the blood I have shed throughout the years and now here I am waiting for whatever the gods will do to me now..... but as if they heard me I began seeing a light shining in the darkness as I reach out for it just to be free from this eternal darkness as it grows brighter and brighter until I get absorbed by it.... and then I can feel myself laying down on grass as I open up my eyes see the sun through the.... trees?

(Y/n): w-wait wasn't I in Thermopylae when I died how am I in a forest, wait why does my voice sound so different.

I take off my helmet letting the cool air go through my (H/l) as I look through my helmets reflection and I couldn't believe it I'm back being in my younger days again, I put my helmet back on and look at my surroundings as I really am in a forest but I don't recognize this being part of Greece

(Y/n): where did Zeus send me? Wait where are my weapons and my shield!

I looked around and I see them leaning against the tree as I walked over and grabbed my shield then attached it to my left arm, I grabbed my sword sheathing it and finally grabbing my spear

(Y/n): well I got everything I need and now to find a city around here hmmm.... perhaps north is my best chance and the way the sun is positioned it will be noon soon alright.

I started marching north to hopefully find at least a town or a small village and ask for directions to the nearest city


I've been walking for several hours now, the sun is starting to set on the evening and so far I haven't seen no towns or villages yet and thinking going north was a bad idea

(Y/n): there has to be other people around here somewhere maybe If I get to high ground I'll get the layout of the land.

I searched for a good viewpoint then I see a high cliff not too far from here

(Y/n): that will do.

I started walking and it only took little time to get there, I reached to my destination and had a good layout of the land as I looked around until off in the distance I see a large structure that I've never seen before but if I have to guess that's where I can find civilization but as I was about to leave a branch snapped behind me I quickly raised my shield over my head and went into a defensive position pointing my spear at the direction of the sound, I waited until a low growl can be heard then I see eyes red like the fires of hell as it came out I was shock to see

I started walking and it only took little time to get there, I reached to my destination and had a good layout of the land as I looked around until off in the distance I see a large structure that I've never seen before but if I have to guess that...

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