Archies Inprisonment

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Kevin's POV:

Hirom Lodge had us all under some kind of magnetic forcefield. He controlled the majority of us. When my dad heard the news about Archie he flipped. He was enraged. So he set up some crew with all the other dads of the neighbourhood that liked/knew Archie. It was kinda weird if I'm being honest, I mean half of these men didn't know Archie like we did. I felt pretty bad for Veronica, she was deeply hurt by her fathers actions. She wanted to treasure every moment she had with him. It was Archies last day before trial, they decided to go camping out where they used to go swimming together. I wanted to go but I was too busy with Moose to go with them. I actually remember Betty telling me about when they went swimming down there they got attacked by a swarm of leeches. Funny stuff, well not really. Oh I'm getting side-tracked. Anyway they went camping and acording to Veronica Archie was saying some strange shit. He was talking about going to prison, Veronica kept deniying that he'd go to prison.

Archies trial began. The court room was packed full of emotionless pale faces. Everybody was there. From Cheryl to my father. Everybody was there. The judge was very blunt with Archie. Finally an offer came and Archie took it, The whole court room was shocked. Veronica got up and yelled she was screaming. By then she leaped up and tried to get to Archie but the officers pulled her of. She burst into tears mascara running like a waterfall. She ran back breathless. The whole room was in sorrow and disbelief. Archie was going to prison and everybody was shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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