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Kyliejenner, JordynWoods, StassieBaby and 728,627 others liked

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Kyliejenner, JordynWoods, StassieBaby and 728,627 others liked.

y/n.official: blue birds fly🦋💕

TaliaMar: can we do a collab soon🔥

PerrieEdwards: I miss you babe💓

KimKardashian: you're so cute☁️💜

BillieEilishFan: your eye color is so beautiful🤤🤤😍

StassieBaby: are you going Paris?🙃

y/n.official: not what I know of😆 @Stassiebaby are you trying to tell me something?

JordynWoods: @StassieBaby do you ever stop talking!😰

TessaBrooks: lucky bitch😕 we need to dance again because I miss you so much❣️

y/n.official: I miss you too @tessabrooks and yes we can do a dance to Taki Taki @SelenaGomez @IamCardiB

IamCardiB: okurrrt... ahahdvwbksjdwi🙃 Taki Taki Rhumba💛

Ky, we need to talk xx

I'm in a meeting babe, give me 5 minutes xx


Okay go on baby xx

Are we going Paris? xx

No. Who said that? xx

Anastasia. She just asked if I was going then Jordyn said that she can never keep her mouth shut xx

Do you want to go to Paris though because I wouldn't mind taking you there xx

Im not complaining, like I would love to go together one day but like not today. We've only just came back from Cuba but yeah I wouldn't mind going one day xx

Okay, I will take you Paris baby. I'm on my way to my moms for lunch make your way there because Kendall and Kim said there is a meeting set up with you three xx

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Right, let me get ready because I'm still in my pyjamas then I will make my way over there xx

See you soon baby 💕💕


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