45-63 facts

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45. 55% of your brain is water.

46. Middle finger has the fastest growing nail.

47. Most people loose their taste buds at the age of sixty.

48. Your eyes doesn't grown since birth.

49. Sea monkey's doesn't actually look like sea monky's

50. Pizza was first created in Naples,Italy.

51. Pizza was first created by Raffeale Esposito. (Hats off to you sir)

52. From a T-rex,blue whale and elephant; blue whale is the biggest animal.

53. Potatoes can actually be poisonous.

54. It's said that there are 38,000 mushrooms and 5% of them are proven to be toxic.

55. The Cassowary is know to be the most dengerous bird.

56. Lake Asaal is the saltiest lake.

57. You can't sneeze with your eyes open. (I can see you trying mate)

58. Redwood National Park in California is where the oldest and tallest trees on Earth is located.

59. Black pudding is made of blood.

60. Red pudding is not a dessert.

61. Beavers teeth never stop growing.

62. Cows sweat through their nose.

63. Flamigo's are pink because of what they eat.

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