The Obsession

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                                                             Cartman's P.O.V

                  The day started was great especially when we were in choir, I mean choir is great and all but the thing is I couldn't sing at all. I usually love singing but the thing is I...Just...Couldn't. well I could but I was just distracted, not by something, but by someone. Let's just say a little Jew has been getting all of my attention lately. I would turn my head around to where the sopranos (higher pitched voices) were and there he was, singing let it snow, the fact that he is Jewish singing a Christmas song made me chuckle but that wasn't the Problem, the problem was that when he sung the part that said, "when we finally kiss goodnight, how I'll hate going out in the storm, but if you really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm." It got me into having ideas, Ideas about Kyle wrapping his thin little arms around me and holding me close to him whispering in my ear. "I love you Eric." and when we get to my house I offer for him to come inside and, well I had my ideas, but as soon as I had those thoughts, they immediately ended, because the teacher told us to get in pairs to act out the song but sadly she had to pick out the pairs. "Eric!," she said "Yes," I nervously responded, "you'll be with Kyle." once I heard those words I was so happy I never wanted anything more than this in my life. once we got in our corner Kyle rolled his eyes at me. "okay lets get this over with fatass." "why can't we make this last and actually try? I thought that you loved working your hardest even if it wasn't for a grade, Kyle I promise that I won't do anything wrong, I know for the past few years we always fought but now I'm believing in myself,....believing that people can change,.....and Kyle I think that I am changing to be a better person, just because you told me that I should, I'm finally doing something about it and your going to roll your eyes and be the jerk first before I even said anything,............" There was a long pause. "Cartman I'm sorry I didn't mean to be a jerk, I just did not think that you could change, I mean if you could change....." Kyle then starts batting his eyelashes at me "We, could finally kiss goodnight and you could take me out into the storm, you could really hold me tight and all the way home I'll be warm." I break off his song "uh, did you know that I was watching you sing?" "uh, yes I did see you watching me, It's called peripheral vision dumbass." "yeah haha I knew that, but you seem so calm about all of this." "yeah why wouldn't I be?" "um....I don't know because your aware that I love you and yet your acting so calm about it." "oh I didn't know that you were in love with me but thanks for telling me, now I know why you did those things!" "did what things?" "all those times you saved my life, like from the smug, and that other time." "oh yeah I remember, oh and you know when I actually had turrets?" "yeah why?" "because when I told you I loved you I meant it and you just took it as a compliment I was relived that you didn't know at the time but for a while I was aching to tell you. I love you I've been dying to wrap my arms around your waist and hold you, to kiss you, to do naughty things to you." "Damn Eric I didn't know how in love you were with me but it seems serious, so how about we actually do our assignment?" "oh yeah that would be great." , so we spent the rest of class preforming the song while romantically dancing together just like the teacher told us to. (lyrics below)

 oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, Let it snow let it snow let it snow, man it doesn't show signs of stopping, and I brought some corn for popping, the lights are turned way down low, let it snow let it snow let it snow, when we finally kiss goodnight, how I'll hate going out in the storm, but if you really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm, and the fire is slowly dying, and my dear we're still good-byeing, but as long as you love me so, let it snow let it snow let it snow, when we finally kiss goodnight, how I'll hate going out in the storm, but if you really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm, and the fire is slowly dying, and my dear we're still good-byeing but as long as you love me so, let it snow let it snow let it snow

By time the song ended and we stopped singing we were in dipping position with Kyle being dipped, his hat had fallen off so his Jew-fro was showing, oh how I love that boys hair. Kyle starts staring in my eyes. "your eyes are beautiful, they look like chocolate, very beautiful," "well, I always thought your eyes looked like emeralds very shiny and rare, it hard to find a pair of eyes so bright and beautiful." "hey Eric." "yes Kahl." "would you like to go on a date with me? just to give it a try?" "of course I would Kahl." I gave Kyle a quick kiss on the lips, gently placed him on the ground picked up my backpack and ran out of the door.

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