Levi x Eren

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Crimson) Sorry for not updating for those of you who enjoy reading this book i'm going to update more often so please leave comments on which ship you would like the attack on titan cast to react to next 😄


Crimson and Hanji) omg yasss OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP!!

Levi) *blushes and mumbles* tch stupid brats

Eren) *blushes 50 shades of red*

Mikasa) *growls* back the fuck up shorty

Levi) *puts an arm around Eren* why don't you back the fuck up Cadet Ackerman *glares at mikasa*

Mikasa) *glares back*

Crimson) calm your tits both of you

Hanji) ok now that we are all calm

Erwin) see you in the next chapter thanks for reading 😜


Levi squad reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now