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The 4 year old curled himself in a ball as the voices of his parents screaming at each other increased his father had yet again came home drunk, knowing not to anger him when he was drunk Yoongi knew better than to make a single noise, a single tear escaped the kids eyes as he heard his father's heavy steps made there way up the stairs, not wanting to receive a beating yet again Yoongi panicked and climbed out his window luckily the house was small and not much above the ground the toddler jumped down straining his small feet and ran, he ran as fast as he could he ran until his feet gave out and decided to sit on the porch of a random house before the toddler could regain his energy and make his way back to his aimless journey he was fast asleep


Jin was ready to leave his work he was a night chef at his 24 hour restaurant, packing up his belongings he seated himself in his car and ignited the engine, the car started with a roar, Jin sighed as sleep and tiredness kicked in his body he was glad that his shift was over now he could go home take a long hot bath and then sleep

Parking the car in front of his house Jin slowly made his way to the house door but was surprised to see a little kid curled up and fast asleep on his doorsteps not knowing what to do he carried the child in his arms and brought him inside and placed the kid in his bed and took off the his shoes and wrapped him in a blanket blocking out the harsh cold of the night Jin carefully examined the kids face and brushed a few strands of hair away the child was beautiful and cute with his chubby cheeks and pouty lips, letting the kid rest Jin decided to call the police to inform them of the child

The next day Yoongi was taken to the police station and was questioned the kids parents identity was missing Jin was given the custody of the child until the case was not settled, a month went by and no news on the kids family a month was all it took for Jin to get attached to the young child since Yoongi came in his life Jin felt somewhat complete it felt nice to have some life in the house so when the police decided to send Yoongi to a orphanage Jin's first intention was to adopt Yoongi and that is exactly what he did


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