Its been a while

16 0 1

Elementary school

He kicks that ball with so much force it flies so high into the sky.
I follow it with my eyes.
His friends run around him as they slap his back in congratulations when the ball crashes into the back of the net.
All the chaos he spots me. He lifts a hand to his forehead and salutes me.
I smile back.
Jeon Jungkook. He's in my class but I've never talked to him. He's actually coming over towards me right now.
Oh god oh god.


"Oh, hi."

"Im Jungkook."

"I'm Choui."

"Nice to meet you Choui."

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook."

His cheeky smile lit up the gloomy playground.

  So that was, the first time we met. We were about 11. Since then we became the best of friends. We sat together in every class,
Every breaktime, every football match he had I stood on the side lines and cheered him on. Every time he needed to talk we talked and vice versa.

           I linked arms with him for our junior ball when we were 14. I slow danced with him under the glittering disco ball. All the other girls frowned on me for only having one friend who was a boy. I looked into his eyes and seen him as more than a friend for a split second.
    He got me through Elementary
school. I can't thank him enough.

Middle school

Oh no Jungkook what happened?
He's different now. Over the Summer since Elementary school ended he stopped talking to me. I showed up at his houss but he didn't answer.

I see him now in the hallway as we all stand there , our first day of middle school. Why does he ignore me when I wave at him. Why does he not make an effort to talk to me.
Why does he never return my calls. Why does he hang around with those boys.
Is that a girlfriend? It must be otherwise why would he be kissing her.
Four years pass amd we never talk.
Why is he rarely showing up to school?
Why is he always pale and drunk looking.
Why is he always in trouble at school?
Rumour has it he's joined that gang in the North side. That dangerous group of people.
Whats happened to Jungkook?

Two years later and now we're around 18.
Is she pregnant or is it just a rumour?
Did he overdose and die and is that why he's not been in school for two weeks?
Nope , he's in again.
Why is he brusied?

Last year of Middle school
Present time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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