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In order to get my life back to normal, I had to spend some time at the hospital first. In the first place for Lydia, both Stiles and I felt bad for leaving her out there on the field. Although Stiles' plan wasn't spending the whole weekend in the hospital, but I insisted. Even though we called Jackson but that was because we had no other option. So I wanted to look after her. And second because Stiles wanted to make sure my wound was healing properly. Many people had asked me how I got it, and if it was the same thing that attacked Lydia. I lied saying I hit my head as well and didn't really remember. Anyway, Lydia was doing pretty good now. She woke up a few days ago, relieving her parents and friends. Knowing someone who's in a coma is never easy, you're never sure if they're going to wake up. Unless you're in a movie. In a movie you get to be pretty sure that you'll wake up, but with that comes forgetting that you're married to someone like Channing Freaking Tatum. How could anyone forget that they're married to that? The man is a God for what I know. If I woke up from a coma and turned out to be married to that, I wouldn't even care if the dude's a total stranger. Okay, seriously, back to Lydia now. She was doing great so far. Well, her wound was healing like it should be. Which is okay, but kind of weird. Since it either should've been already completely healed, or she should be dead. And neither of that happened so somethings up. We just don't know what yet. I knew Lydia was doing a lot better, because she was already able to snap at her dad saying she could take a shower on her own. That's my girl. I couldn't blame her though, if I hadn't been able to shower for weeks I'd snap at every single person I come across.

I was walking through the hallways of Beacon Hills Hospital with two cups of coffee, one for me and one for Stiles who was... still asleep. I sighed but then giggled at the sight of my boyfriend laying across some of the waiting room chairs, fast asleep. The "get well" balloon we had bought was tied around his wrist. He was snoring quietly and looked totally adorable. It looked like he was dreaming because I could hear some soft muttering. I stood there watching him when my mother walked over to me, Mr. Martin just came out of Lydia's room. 'Hey Mr. Martin.' I greeted him with a smile and a wave. 'He's been here all night?' Mr. Martin asked me whilst pointing a finger at my boyfriend. My mom chuckled and stood next to me. 'He's been here all weekend.' She smiled. 'On command of my beautiful daughter over here who is clearly wearing the pants in their relationship which makes me very happy.' She smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 'He's your boyfriend?' Lydia's dad asked me with a raised eyebrow. 'Believe it or not, he is.' I said with a slight chuckle. 'I should wake him up.' I said and smiled before walking over to him. I was about to call his name when a quiet moan left his lips. I raised my eyebrows. Well, well, what are you dreaming about mister? 'Mmm.' He mumbled. 'You first Sammy... oh, me first... okay.' Okay, why was he saying my name? Oh god I had this feeling this was going to get real awkward. I carefully looked over my shoulder to see my mom watching me with raised eyebrows and a grin. I sighed. God help me. 'Hmm, Sammy. Yes, right there baby, right there... O, you're dirty...'I began blushing like crazy and quickly started shaking his shoulder. 'Stiles, get up!' I yelled. His hazel brown eyes shot open, he jumped up messing with the balloon that was in front of his face before rolling over and ending up on the floor. He looked around, totally confused. 'Uhm... what? Uh...' I giggled and helped him get up. 'Nothing babe... Nothing...' I chuckled. I untied the balloon from his wrist and tied it to the chair instead, that should be safer. 'Here, your coffee.' I said smiling and handed him the coffee. 'Wanna get some candy?' He asked before taking a sip. I raised my eyebrows. 'Candy and coffee? Shouldn't that be just a little bit too much sugar for you?' I asked. 'Of course not, come on!' He said and dragged me up by my hand. We placed our coffees on the ground and made our way to the vending machine. Stiles yawned whilst he was looking for some money. I sighed knowing that would take a while so I quickly slipped some coins in and got a snickers. Stiles glared a little and I shrugged in response pointing out how slow he was. He rolled his eyes saying I didn't have any patience and slipped some coins in the machine. He dialled the number for a Reese's cups. We stood there watching the candy get pushed its way forward and then... stopped. Stiles and I shared a look, I shrugged. He pushed the button a few more times but nothing happened. 'Seriously?' He sighed and started hitting the machine. I slowly unwrapped my candy, stealing glances at him now and then. I slowly took a bite. 'Oh mah god, this is sooooo good!' I said with a full mouth. Stiles sighed deeply and glared. 'Even though you look incredibly cute like that, shut up.' He said and turned back to the machine. How can anyone look cute with their mouth full of chocolate? Stiles was shaking the machine, he wrapped his arms around the side in what I assumed to be an attempt of lifting it? It didn't budge and he let out a sound of discontent. 'Babe, you're not gonna lift it...' I said as I took another bite. 'Just buy another one.' I shrugged. 'I don't want another, this one will come out.' He said and I rolled my eyes. Stubborn little kid. He grabbed the top again, rocking it back and forth angrily. Oh god... I started messing on my phone whilst eating my candy, Stiles was never going to give up... He then suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, I let out a scream as the machine hit the ground not a centimetre away from my feet. I looked up at Stiles who was looking at the machine with big eyes and burst out in laughter. Stiles shook his head and sighed. 'This is why Scott is the fun twin.' He told me before bending down next to the machine. 'Babe, let's just get out of here.' I said giggling. An ear-piercing scream then sounded through the hallway. Stiles and I looked at each other worriedly. 'Lydia?' Stiles asked and scrambled to his feet. We ran towards her room, just as we arrived at her door so did my mom and Mr. Martin. 'What the hell was that?' My mom yelled as she opened the door. We all went inside, everyone stopped for a second whilst I ran straight for the bathroom. Which was empty. The shower was still running and the curtain was half open. But Lydia wasn't there. My mom turned off the water. Where the hell did she go? Stiles then nudged my side, I looked at him and he nodded at the open window.

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