time to get deep. dedicated to emmystories

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ok, this is going to be deep guys, so here Ya go.

there will come a day, when we've all grown up, started a family got a career maybe and you'll be driving home from work or cooking dinner at home when you hear a name....

it's that person you had a blog of when you were sixteen, or maybe you had posters of him on your wall

you haven't heard that name in ages but it still brings back memories, then you hear three words you never thought you'd here before .................

has passed away. Then you put down your potato pealer or pull over to the side of the road and tears start to roll down your face and all over the world there are people like you who will bury their face in their hands and sob, because fandoms never really die out, we never move on and....


and cue the tears!!!! If you didn't  cry you are made of rock and clearly aren't a true directioner.luff you all ~ Kayla

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