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"But my mother! She'll never accept us!"

"Whether your mother accepts us or not, it doesn't change the fact that I love you!" Hyunjin said and engulfed the crying girl into a hug.

"It's okay Donghee, we'll figure this out." He said and rubbed her back.

"I love you Jaehyuk." She mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too."

"Okay and cut!" The director shouted. "You can go for lunch now."

Hyunjin let go of the girl, and she wiped her fake tears off her face.

"Thank God. I'm so hungry." He said and began to walk off the set.

"Where are you going to go eat?" The girl asks.

"Not sure, I guess I'll just find a place around here."

They were at a park, filming a romantic scene under the tree, there wasn't really much around so Hyunjin might have to walk far.

"Oh, alright."

The male walked and found a Subway so he bought a sandwich and a coffee.

On his way back, he completely zoned out and started rehearsing his lines in his head.

"What do I have to do to prove I love your daughter-"

"Move out of the-"

And in a split second Hyunjin was on the floor with coffee spilled all over him beside some stranger (who also had coffee all over him).

It all happened so fast, he didn't see the male that was speeding towards him on the skateboard.

"My bad." The stranger said and got up, picking up his skateboard too.

"What were you doing?!" Hyunjin said looking up at him from the ground.

"What do you mean?! I was just trying to ride my skateboard, but there you were in the middle of the sidewalk mumbling to yourself like a crazy man, you didn't even hear me coming!" The male protested.

"I wasn't mumbling foolishness, I was practicing my lines!" Hyunjin said and stood up.

"For what? A school play?" He joked.

"No! I'm Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin!"

"What? We're giving names now? I'm Seo Changbin, nice to meet you Hyunjin."

"Do you really not know who I am?" Hyunjin asked.

"Nope, sorry pretty boy." Changbin replied, putting emphasis on the 'p'.

Hyunjin groaned. "Whatever, anyways you need to pay for this hoodie you spilled coffee all over."

"No way! Just wash it." Changbin replied with disbelief. How was he going to pull $450 out of his ass to pay for a supreme hoodie.

"It's white! How can I wash it." Hyunjin said irritated.

"Look I have places to be so, bye." Changbin said getting on his skateboard.

"Wait," Hyunjin stopped him. "Give me your phone."

"Excuse me?"

"Give it. So when you are ready to pay for my hoodie, you can text me."

Changbin just gave up and gave the other his phone.

"There you go." He gave it back. "I'll be waiting for a text."

"Whatever." Changbin shoved his phone into his pocket and left.

Hyunjin watched him ride away. Then turned on his heels and continued waking back to the set.


story that has been sitting in my drafts for too long and I finally decided to post #3

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