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Changbin went to backstage to meet the younger once the showcase was over.

"Hyung! Did you see me? I did well right- oh my, what happened to your face?" Hyunjin said as he was walking over to him.

Even though he went to the washroom and washed it up, you can still see the cut on his cheekbone and lip.

"It's nothing. You did a good job. Thankfully they didn't ask any questions about Yena." Changbin said trying to change the topic fast so he wouldn't ask again.

"Changbin hyung, what happened?" The younger asked again.

"It's really nothing, Hyunjin it's fine."

"But you got hurt, it's not fine. Who did this to you?!"

Changbin grabbed his hands and looked up at him. "I'm fine, seriously. Don't worry about it. You have more important things to worry about." He sighed. "Let's go, I think your driver is here."

Hyunjin frowned and watched the older walk away. "But you're the most important..." He mumbled then began to follow.

The car ride to Changbin's place was quiet, Hyunjin was giving the older silent treatment all the way there.

Changbin could tell he was mad, and he wasn't quite sure what to do.

The car pulled up to Changbin's apartment and it was time for him to get out.

"Bye Hyunjin." He said.

"Bye." Hyunjin was still looking out the window with his arms folded, refusing to look at the other.

Changbin leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." He replied but he still wasn't looking at him.

Changbin sighed then finally closed the door.

He walked to his apartment, wondering what he could do to make Hyunjin stop being mad at him. He came to a conclusion he would just ask Chan what to do.

"Chan hyung, Hyunjin is mad at me and I- oh uh sorry." Changbin said bursting into his apartment but then stopping once he saw the scene going on on the couch.

Felix quickly got off of Chan and they both looked at the male who just stormed in on their make out session.

"Oh- Changbin, hi. I thought you'd be back later today, weren't you going to go out with Hyunjin?" Chan said, kind of awkwardly.

Changbin sighed then sat down on the armchair that's to the left of the couch they were sitting in.

"I mean we were supposed to, but Hyunjin's all moody. He's mad at me."

"Why? What'd you do?" Felix asked.

"Long story. But what should I do?"

"Take him out or something, I don't know. Make it up to him." Chan replied.

Changbin thought about it for a bit. "Actually you know what hyung, that's a good idea, thanks." He said then went to his room.

Felix snuggled closer to Chan and the older wrapped his arms around his body.

"He looked like he got into a fight, I wonder what happened." Felix said.

"I wonder what happened too, but then again it's Changbin so I'm not even going to question it." Chan said and laughed.


homework? idk her

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