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Flashback *100 years ago  the dreaded Dragon purge*

Black arrows were flying endlessly into the sky, armies of armed dwarves were stealing dragon eggs and hatchlings, and adult dragon were falling out of the sky from pure exhaustion.fearing for my life I hide deep inside in a nearby cave, all the time hearing the chaos from outside. I had to escape I was a young dragon and my scales were the only defense I had because my fire was not strong enough to kill prey. I spread my red and gold wings and quickly fled from my cave. Once I was far enough, I hid in a cave near the top of a mountain. I curled into a ball and let myself shift into my human form, everything I had ever loved was gone for the first time in my life I was utterly alone. 

end of flashback 

The tiny creature was unlike anything I've ever seen, he smelled like a mixture of two different species. So he was some kind of hobbit, he stuck his fist into his mouth and giggled as I examined him. "Hush will you, your going to get the both of us killed!" The creature expression changed and began to create trails of water down his face. "Wha Wha!" I had no idea what he was doing or how I could make him stop. "Please stop little Hobbit," All I got was another wail, maybe he was scared of me. Even in my Humanoid form, I don't precisely look pleasing. My teeth are sharp, my nails were as long as black daggers, and my hair was a messy ball of dark curls. "I'm sorry little Hobbit, I didn't mean to frighten you now please stop making that loud noise." The hobbit stopped for a minute then grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled on it. "up," I didn't know what he meant he had no wings so he apparently couldn't fly. "Uppy," he said again, I feared he would start to scream again so I bent down and placed the small hobbit on my lap. "yay uppy," I didn't know why the tiny hobbit enjoyed this but it was putting a smile on his face and surprisingly mine too. I felt something that I hadn't felt in 100's of years when I looked at the little hobbit's eyes, they were a dark blue and they sent my heart racing. I couldn't believe it after so long I was experiencing the feeling of joy. "you're a strange creature, but your actions tell me you're expressing some form of happiness." He didn't say anything but he nodded and started to explore my long fingernails, "careful my claws are sharp," he squealed in delight and began eating my long hair. "Well little hobbit, tell me who you are?" "B.. Bi...Bilo," he apparently couldn't say his name so I gave him one. "Alright, then I call you John, do you like that?" He flapped his arms in the air and smiled "Come on John, I'll take you to your new home."

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