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Jisung watched out his window as the sun rose. He wasn't worried about leaving early today because his father never came home last night. He would know because he didn't sleep. He was still cursing himself for acting the way he did yesterday. He should hate Minho for leaving him behind, for not recognizing him. Jisung should hate him for being happy without him. Yet he doesn't. He can't hate Minho because Jisung understands. He would be happy without himself too. He wouldn't want to remember himself either. He can't hate Minho because he feels the same way.

He was just an annoying kid that Minho used to know. The clingy kid that still tried to talk to Minho after he left, even when he didn't answer. Not even once. Yet he still hadnt given up even after months without anything. He kept trying until the accident, when he finally realized that he was worthless. That he was just a mistake that always messed stuff up.

That was when he gave up. Not just on Minho but everything in general. Its been that way for years. Changbin stopped trying after a few weeks, probably realizing how useless Jisung was too. But it was better this way, then Jisung couldn't ruin anyone else's life.

Jisung sighed, looking down at the empty box of cigarettes. They had run out around 4 AM and Jisung reminded himself to get more before school. Getting up and grabbing his clothes, Jisung stood and walked towards the bathroom.


Minho sat down in his first period classroom and looked around. He was one of the first people here, having arrived an hour early, hoping to catch Jisung before class. When he walked into the building and looked everywhere for Jisung but didnt find him, Minho headed to his first class. He knew that he would see Jisung in third period.

It was 10 minutes after the bell rang when there was a knock on the door. The teacher stopped his lecture to answer the door. When he opened it Minho could see Jisung behind it.

"Why are you late Mr. Han?" The teacher asked in a strict voice. Jisung just sighed, wishing that they wouldn't call him that.

"Woke up late and had to walk to school." He answered. The teacher shook his head in disappointment.

"30 minutes after school detention for being late Mr. Han. This really needs to stop." The teacher answered. When the teacher said detention Minho thought he saw something like fear flash through Jisung's eyes but it was gone just as soon as it came. Jisung opened his mouth to reply.

"But sir I really can't st-"

"Do you want me to make it an hour Mr. Han" Jisung just shut his mouth and nodded his head, not wanting to make it worse. "Take a seat then. Dont let this happen again. Next time it will be an hour."

Jisung shuffled to his seat with his head down and sat silently for the rest of the hour. Minho wondered why he was so scared to stay a little bit longer after school. He didnt think that it was that big of a deal, it was only half an hour.


Minho stood from his seat as the bell for lunch rang. He promised Changbin that he would sit with him and his friends. Minho walked out the classroom door and met Changbin at his locker. While he was waiting for Changbin to switch out his books, Minho thought he saw Jisung walk outside to the back of the school through an exit door and made a mental note to follow him back there sometime.

"Ready to go?" Changbin asked, smiling. Minho just nodded and they headed down to the cafeteria. When they walked in the room Changbin headed to a table with 5 boys in the back corner. When they got close enough to the table Changbin cleared his throat, catching the attention of the boys making them stop what they were doing, which seemed to be an intense thumb wrestling match.

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