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He wasn't exactly a fan of strawberries for a good reason,

Taffyta Muttonfudge.

His rival on the race track, with platinum blonde hair strutting around constantly like she was all that. As if she thought she was number one, it was laughable. But even how ludicrous it was for her to actual be better than him, he still felt a sense of jealousy, of anger. How dare she try to best him anyway? He was Turbo, the greatest racer ever! And yet, the stupid strawberry-themed woman got the best of him on the track, over and over again. Flaunting around with that damn trophy that should be his, and handling that gold coin as if it was a piece of candy.

She was awful to look at too, all that pink and that stupid short dress and those stupid stockings, what was she, nine or something?! And her eyes, her stupid alluring blue eyes that's what he hated the most of all her features, those damn eyes that seemed to look right through him.

Oh and her catchphrase, the stupidest thing he had every heard. "Stay sweet!' ugh, sure "Have some candy" wasn't very original, but his actual catchphrase "Turbo-tastic!" was the best, and always will be. Nothing could compare.

Taffyta and her dumb catchphrase could never compare to his greatness, she was just a little, ugly pink leach trying to steal his glory.

And the strong scent of strawberries that emanated from her being made him want to gag, the sickeningly sweet smell assaulting his nostrils; clogging up the fresh air of other sweet treats, as if the smell was forcing him to notice it instead of any other smell. Just like the actual racer, a sugar coated attention hog.

Her charm and flare angered him, as it did allure him. That disgusting little temptress trying to reel him in like she did, even if she hard already done that; he denied the fact that she had caught his attention, even if she knew it as if it was clear as the sun that hung in the sky above.

He hated her so much, he hated everything about her and yet she easily could still his burning hatred for her with one touch. She had him wrapped around her fingers and quite frankly, pissed him off. He hated many things but she takes the cake. That irritating devilish smile, that smirk that played across her face daring him to lean in closer and press his lips on her own soft pink ones.

And that's what he was doing now, the sickening scent of strawberries wafting through the air as his lips were crushed against hers. A aggressive, anger filled kiss yes, the usual ones that they shared. Although it was mostly him who placed all the aggression into it.

It wasn't as if she complained, although her kisses were more tender and gentle or so they seemed. Sooner or later her soft kisses turned stronger and forceful, trying to force her dominance. Of course he would never allowed that, no one ever gets the best of him. And so it was a battle for exactly that, as if it was a race, just like a race…and neither of them refused to lose.

It wasn't as if they were a couple or anything, no, she belonged to Rancis. That pretty-boy she publicly dated. Of course he had no idea of the fact that his girlfriend sneaked around behind his back, and with him. What he would give to see Rancis's face once he found out his gorgeous little girlfriend was sleeping with the king.

And one day he'd make sure that she was only his.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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