Chapter 13

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"Auto, what's happening?"

"Someone tipped off the police that we were meeting the press here. You've gotta get out of there now."

"How'd you find that out?" I said, trying to navigate the incoming crowd.

"Television. I'm back down on the streets. Heard something about a new Commander that's apparently really good. And really on our asses right now."

"Right," I said, pushing towards the door.

"Oh shit!" Auto hissed from the other end.

"Wha-" A swarm of cop cars swerved up to the cafe, officers leaping out and rushing the doors.

"Lucius. Don't leave the city. Stay in the city. We'll find each other and bolt. Stay in the-" The call dropped.

I spun on my heel and hurried for the back of the cafe. There had to be a back door. A shot fired. Everyone screamed and dropped to the floor, or ran outside. I just flat out ran. Risking a glance over my shoulder, I identified Commander Connors. He looked the same as the picture on the news. Young, mean, and determined. His cold eyes found mine, turning my insides to ice and sending a chill down my back so hard I almost fell. I lept over the counter, knocking away a few coffee cups, and bolted inside an Employees Only room. Shouting came from the other side of the door. I ran through the room, to another door, bursting outside.

There were cops everywhere. They must've had the building surrounded. I ran across the asphalt lot. Someone shouted something, maybe they recognized me. I flew into an alley and kept running. Footsteps echoed after me, people shouted in my wake. I skidded around a corner, coming face to face with a line of officers. I turned back the way I came, scampering back down the alley, taking a different turn. More officers. I turned back. I was trapped in the T shaped passage, officers coming from all three sides. I scanned for a fire escape. There were none. No window ledges, no dumpsters, nothing. I was completely and utterly cut off. Cornered. Captured.

The cops were walking shoulder to shoulder down the alley, five across, nonchalant as if this wasn't going to be the biggest bust of their lives. I whipped around and around, watching them. There was a chance, just a small one, that I could break through a line. Two lines had riot shields. The one from the cafe didn't. That would be my best option, but that would take me back towards Comm Connors. Damn. Worth a shot.

I waited until the lines were close. Close enough that they wouldn't have much time to react. One man was already talking into his radio, saying I was in custody. I smirked nervously. Then I charged.

I practically dove through the line of men, taking a flying leap. They grappled for my clothes and limbs. For a split second it almost seemed like I wouldn't make it. Then, plowing into the ground, I broke through the line of men, tripping as one held tight to my ankle. I shook him loose, scrambling across the dusty ground as I regained my footing. Heart pounding, I made a mad dash back in the direction I had come from. The thundering pack of officers was hot on my heels, but with the ones from the cafe behind me, I might have a chance to get back out the front. No doubt there would be a crowd of civilians to hide in. As I bull-rushed the employee door, I came face to face with a straggling officer. I'm sure it was his lucky day, getting a second chance at the terrorist. I bowled him over and kept on charging. And ran smack into another kevlar vest.I yelped as cold, sharp fangs bit into my side.

Immediately, electricity bolted through them, sending me spastically reeling until I slipped from my feet. "Well, look who we have here!" came the voice, chipper yet dripping with rancor. I growled incoherently at him, convulsing in his grip. He picked me up by the collar of my shirt, bringing me up to his lofty eye level. "You must be Lucius." A grin gnarled his features. I bared my teeth at him. The rest of the officers had caught up by now and were mobbing into the room like a colony of ants. He tossed me at their feet, none too kindly.

"Stay down!" Connors barked, the phrase echoing around in the ranks as they all tried to assert themselves over me. "Stay down!"

"Well I'm not fucking going anywhere, am I?" I spat back, wriggling around as someone bent my arms behind my back. I was hoisted onto one man's shoulders, carried through the alleys and streets to a car like a prize hog. It was humiliating, to say the least.


"...And today, reporter Lisa Smith had an encounter with the criminal mastermind, Lucius Vasquez just before his capture. Vasquez called in anonymously two days ago, requesting an interview. The information that he provided us with was incredible.

"Previously it had been thought that the two boys were terrorists but now that has all seemed to change. According to Lucius, the boys were framed. He says that the information was planted in the house of Auto and that the boys did not know what they were getting into. The boys have been on the run for five days now and things seem to have escalated quickly. Despite the boys' best attempts to be acquitted, it seems that they are not out of the woods just yet.

"On a different note, at the end of the interview, Commander Connors caught the fugitive; Vasquez was unable to slip away this time. His whereabouts are unknown now that Surveillance has stepped in. Commander Connors has vowed that the remaining criminal will not evade the law and that he will catch Arthur very soon. He says that the two must face what they have done. I'm Sonya Little and this is Hollow Point News."


I sat against the wall, staring blankly at the three men in front of me. I wasn't going to play their game. Commander Connors, standing front and center, was clearly still holding himself above the others because of his triumph today. I wanted to cut the smug little grin right off his face. I held back, though.My hands were zip-tied in front of me so that they could clearly see that I wasn't trying to go anywhere. The man to the Comm's left, a scrawny, middle-aged dude with glasses, was getting impatient. He was fidgeting, picking at the end of his sleeve.

The man to on the right was obviously a trained soldier. Though his hair was shaggy and his eyes were warm, his set jaw and rigid posture gave him away.

Soldierman stared straight ahead, as if he were looking through the wall. Connors stared down at me, clearly unimpressed by who I was. Four eyes fidgeted, not making eye contact with anyone, constantly checking his watch.

"Hm," Connors rumbled, "You don't have anything to say for yourself?"

I refused to look at him. "Not anything you'll believe. Or that you haven't already heard."

He grunted his distaste, turning on his heel. He exited the room, Soldierman marching after him. The nerd waited, unsure of what to do. He leaned uncomfortably against the wall.

"And what are you," I grumbled, "My baby sitter?"

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