Part 32

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Taehyung's POV

I stirred in my sleep when I heard someone talking. I tried not to focus on that and continue sleeping but the noises only disrupted my sleep further.

I opened one of my eyes to see a shocking scene happening before me.

Y/N was awake!

But she was... hugging Jungkook?

He suddenly let go of her and I panicked and pretended to continue sleeping.

"I'm s-sorry I just-" He stuttered.

"It's okay."

I focused on their conversation and I didn't know why. Maybe I wanted to know just what their relationship was like. I only knew Jungkook as my friend and that they were engaged before I could ask for her hand. He took his parents' revenge by murdering hers and such. I didn't know anything else, like how they actually felt for each other.

"How long was I asleep?"

Her voice was hoarse and weak.

I wanted to go and fetch some water for her so bad but I couldn't bring myself to move.

"Huh? Oh, t-two days," he stuttered again.

"What?! Then what happened after I fell unconscious?"

"After that, we both rushed to your aid. As for the war... his side won just as you said. But he didn't kill me."


Because you wouldn't have wanted that.

"He told me that you wouldn't have wanted that."

"Oh. He was right then."

My eyebrows twitched.

"You know that I hate you, right?"

That just clashes with your previous statement, but go on I guess.

"I know you feel the same way. I hate you for what you did and you hate me for what I didn't do. Still, I care for you, Jungkook."

I felt my chest sting a bit at that. I knew she did when I heard her talk to him two days ago. She seemed so desperate to assure his safety. Still, hearing it directly from her was somehow painful.

"Y-You what?"

This dude just keeps stuttering...

"No matter how hard I try to deny it, I can't. Maybe it's because you're my... first love. Or maybe it's because I feel like I'm guilty as well. Whatever the reason is, I do care for you."

First love, huh?

My heart actually sank.

So she still loves him, doesn't she?

I was about to stop acting but then Namjoon came in.

I groaned internally.

My neck hurts...


"You still love him, don't you?"

She widened her eyes and turned to look at me.

I shouldn't have said that.

"You're awake," I smiled.


I stretched my neck and stood up before walking to the other side of the bed to sit.

I stared into her eyes before reaching my hand to tuck the loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Taehyung, I-"

I placed my index finger on her lips to stop her before saying anything.

"It's fine, don't force yourself to talk. You're still recovering so you should get some rest now." I gently held her and laid her hesitant form back on the bed.

As I was about to walk away, she grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Wait! I..." she bit her lips, looking down at my hand. "Stay here. Please."

I looked away.


Why am I being mad all of a sudden? I should be happily taking care of her and being beside her.

"I just want you to stay..." She tightened her hold. "If you're being like this because you heard our conversation just now... I understand. But I don't feel the same way for him as I did before and you know why, you were his friend, right?"

I sighed and nodded.

I shuffled back to the bed and plopped myself down again.

"It's just... I don't know, I guess I'm feeling a little... jealous?" I blushed a little.

It's really embarrassing to say it out loud.

She giggled and pinched my cheek, taking me by surprise.


"That's cute," she smiled and my heart skipped a beat.

Her comment only made me more flustered.

Not to mention, her endearing eyes were fixed on me and crinkled in adoration that I couldn't help but flush further.

I'm supposed to be mad here...

She gestured for me to lean down and listen to her whisper. I complied and leaned down, giving her my ear but she quickly placed a kiss on my right cheek.

I jumped backwards with wide eyes gawking at her.

"You were just so adorable," she snorted.

I chuckled at her laughing so cutely and the tension from before disappeared instantly.

"I missed you," I held her hand, gently rubbing it with my thumb.

"Me, too."

Our eyes were locked with each other and I leaned down again, but this time, I kissed her lips softly but passionately.

"Your lips are so dry, oh my gosh," I teased her, laughing.

"Hey!" She slapped my arm. "They wouldn't have been dry if someone offered this poor patient some water."

I stood up, giggling. "Okay okay, I'm going."

"Hurry up, butler."

This girl...

A/N: *sneaks in this chapter while preparing for my exam* Enjoy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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