Chapter 12- The Winter Break

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I wrote these two or  three years ago and didn't read over it let alone edit it before I  posted it now. Let me know if there's anything I should fix. Thanks.

Oh, and if you guys wouldn't mind giving me an opinion on something here. I have a ton of drafts from when I finished writing this almost three years ago, but I reviewed it recently and Harry and Lily give big main character energy. Do you guys want me to change it, or just leave it how it is? I'd love to hear from y'all!

- Brie


Harry ushered me into an empty classroom. "Black, he isn't after you and I for simple revenge. They think he wants to bring Voldemort back to power."

"I'd expect so. You don't think he'd escape prison just to kill a couple of teenagers? No, he'll want more than that."

Harry simply shrugged his shoulders. I did as well, and without another word we exited the classroom. Ron seemed to be absolutely dumbfounded at how calm our reactions were. I could hear him muttering under his breath behind me.

"I can't believe... They find out that this murderous bastard plans to bring back the darkest wizard of all time! But no big deal. Nope. It's all cool."

I snickered, but didn't even turn around to face him. I heard him huff. We continued on until the split. Harry and I both headed for our common rooms, only to get our brooms. We'd decided to go out for some Quidditch together before dinner. We were going to have dinner with Remus in his quarters tonight, when we'd say to our friends that Quidditch simply ran a little late.

I was in and out of the common room within only ten minutes, and out on the Quidditch Pitch in another six. Harry wasn't far behind, but had had many more staircases to clear before he arrived. I was already in the air when he kicked off the ground.

We started by doing a few laps. We raced around the pitch, each of us pushing to go faster than the other. We stopped only when we nearly crashed, and Harry nearly fell to the ground as a result. After that, we decided racing to find the snitch was much safer, but soon got bored and practiced our dives. Only once I pulled up too late and hit the ground, earning myself an angry bruise on my knee.

We didn't stop after that, though. We continued playing until we realized that it was well past dinner. We landed, and, still in our Quidditch uniforms, ran through the castle until we reached Remus' office, behind which were his quarters.

As we burst through the door though, we were met with a face that wasn't Remus'. I grinned up at Professor McGonagall. She eyed our muddy robes and boots with a disgruntled expression. She shook her head.

"I don't suppose you two could've changed before you entered the castle?" She said. Remus held back a laugh behind her.

I shrugged. "Sorry, Minnie."

"Hm," was all she answered with. "Have a good dinner. I suspect the two of you will be staying for the holidays?"

I nodded. "Always."

McGonagall nodded and exited. Remus beckoned us to follow into his quarters. Once we were in and the door was shut behind us we dropped our bags. Remus, as McGonagall did, eyed up our Quidditch Robes.

Without a word I pulled my clean clothes from my bag and headed for the bathroom. It only took me a moment to change into my clean muggle clothes, shove my muddy robes roughly into my bag, and rinse the mud off my face. Harry went into the bathroom once I was done.

While Harry changed, taking considerably longer than I had, I assisted Remus in setting the table, making sure that Harry's plate was stacked on top of his goblet and his cutlery was a balanced tower on top of that. He glared at me when he finally came to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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