(Niall Horan Fan fiction ) about a girl named Rose fell in love with a future pop star but will that let won't get in her way of loving this amazing irish boy..
"Hello beautiful!" Niall said walking in with McDonald's and kissing my cheek
"Hi handsome" I said while he started having out the food to me Louis and himself
As I started eating Louis asked
"Hey Rose me and Niall's band mates wants to see you and I know you want to see them so is it fine if I invite them to meet you? "
"Yeah sure I'd love to meet them! I just hope they don't mind me looking like a mess!" I said
"Oh shut up you look better then ever today!" Niall said while shoving a hash brown unto his mouth
"Well okay then love birds I'll be right back I'm gonna call them to come over." Louis said while walking out of the room
After that me and Niall really didn't talk we where enjoying the food.
"Okie they'll be here in about 10 minutes! " Louis said cheerfully
"Hey Lou? " I asked
"Yea Ro?" He said while eating his breakfast biscuit
"Did you get my clothes like I asked you to?"
"Oh yea I forgot here." He said while grabbing them out of his 'Man Purse' I bought him and handing to me
"Thanks." I said while getting up and heading to the bathroom to change unto my comfy pjs:
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(And yes Louis picked them out.)
"So how long until they get here?" I ask
Louis looks at his watch then looks up to the door way "Right now." He says as they step in and I look and see
One guy very 'punk' like, one that looks like my father, and one curly headed dude and for some reason I feel very close to him and I mean VERY it's like he's gonna affect my life for the best kinda like saving my life
"Are you a angle?" I blurt out while staring at the curly one not even thinking of what I said
"Nice to meet you to." The curly one laughed awkwardly while I still stare in amazement
"Rose what wrong with you?" Louis said while snapping his fingers in front of my face
"I thought I was you're angle?" Niall said while whimpering
"Louis... He's the one I know it.." I said while tearing up and looking up at Louis
"I THOUGHT I WAS YOU'RE 'ONE' I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME?!?!?" Niall screamed at me with tears streaming down his face and somehow I'm calm
"Not like that Niall I think he's gonna save me... I just feel it." I said with more tears down my face and calming Niall down
"Oh.." He said and grabbed my hand "If you feel it, it must be true." He said and planted a kiss on my cheek
"What's happening this is like a page from a Fan fiction." The 'punk' One said
A/N (How'd he know?!?!)
"No its just because we're echother true love! " Niall spat at him
"Woah lover boy I didn't mean anything by it." He said
"Curly." I spoke
"How'd you know my nickname? " Curly spoke
"Harry, Look at you're hair." The father like one spoke
"Oh.." Harry spoke
"Harry." I spoke again
"Yes?" He spoke
"BE MY DONER!" I screamed at him startling everyone in the room
"God..Louis no wonder she's you're sister. "The punk one spoke
"Take that back Zayn!" Niall yelled
"Never! Lover boy!" Zayn yelled
"Guys why can't you act more like Liam the 'responsible' one." Louis spoke pulling Zayn and Niall apart while they still didn't start arguing
"Shut up Louis you have no right to do that when you guilt trip us to make us do responsible things!" Liam yelled
"Say that to your nickname 'Daddy Direction' HUH KNOW WHAT ARE YA GONNA SAY HUH!" Louis yelled
After that I couldn't hear anything and the next thing I knew I was lifted out of my hospital bed and carried to the roof
"Sorry just I couldn't handle being in there and I don't think you'd want to be either." Harry spoke while sitting on the bench beside me
"No big deal I needed to get out of their it was stressing me out." I mumbled
"Rose.." Harry spoke
"Yeah" I looked at him
"I'd gladly be you're kidney doner." He said and grabbed my hand while I teared up and held his hand back and said
"You are my angle..."
You will be protected as long as I love you my little stones. -RockenRedPanda