•°•°chapter four°•°•

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“excuse me sir, but you can't come in here.” a buff security guard blocked hobi's way, almost making him fall.

“why? did something happen?” he nodded grimly.

“yes, a guard was found dead, he was robbed of his syringe, key card, and gun. also, our most...insane..person here has escaped.”


“you'll have to come back another day, ok sir?” the other nodded reluctantly.

he started to walk away, then bolting around the building when no one was watching. there was an open window that didn't have any security cameras near it that yoongi told him about.

“psst. yoongi! over here!” the drowsy boy's face brightened when he saw his therapist. 

“hoseok, what are you doing here-”

“i couldn't wait to see you...” he twirled his fingers around shamefully, almost embarrassed about the longing feeling to see his friend.

they had a, strange bond, as other people might call it. like, hoseok started to feel as if the world didn't make sense, no one else in the world made any sense expect for yoongi. he made the world seem whole, balanced almost.

“it's ok, I was worried about you not coming over 'cause you didn't want to..be here anymore.”

“yoongi! now why would I think that? just the thought of not being with you would drive me...what's the word?”

crazy?” he smirked. the other snapped his fingers, “exactly.”

after a few moments of silence, hobi cleared his throat and said;

“what happened last night?”

“so you heard about jin, yeah, he went insane and escaped.” he chuckled dryly, “probably over namjoon.”

“who's that?”

“his therapist, without him, jinnie would go crazy, like in this situation.”

“i hope he doesn't hurt anybody or himself.” yoongi scoffed.

“im pretty sure he will.”

“hello?” a small voice said from the other side of the room. “oh! who's this?” the boy hid behind yoongi, peeking intently with big brown eyes.

“that's tae, c'mon out.” he came out slowly, rocking back and forth slightly. “h-hello...”

“he's so cute.” hobi said, ruffling his hair.

“aw he's so cute, how old is he? five. the little cutie, what's your name?” he was getting a flashback, to what got him in here in the first place.

“what's happening to him? is he ok? w-was it my fault-?

“no, of course it wasn't your fault! he just remembered something bad.” yoongi's hand slowly made it's way to hoseok's smaller one.

they obviously had chemistry, it was undeniable, but social walls blocked them. the classic joker and harley quinn relationship.

‘he's amazing.’ hobi thought, ‘why is he even here?’

“hey, you haven't told me about you, what's your hobby?”

“dancing.” he said without hesitation. “im not very good at it though..”

“no, you're probably amazing at it. why do you talk down about yourself?”

“my choreographer says I'm sloppy.”

“well, he's wrong.” they both smiled at each other, the feeling of love spreading through the both of them. but they were too stubborn and oblivious to admit it.

crazy but he's mine ✎ yoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now