After Story

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This is after Total Drama Island. So the next Six seasons haven't happened.

After placing 9th in Total Drama Island, Courtney defeatedly returned to her Home town to continue High School.

She was hoping she could pull out the win and use the money to pay for her college tuition. After that didn't work out, she was hoping maybe Duncan could do it and make him give half of it to her, but he lost as well.

Speaking of Duncan,

Courtney left without saying anything to him. After the party Owen held at the Hotel she just picked up her things and left. She was was one of the first to leave and return to her Home.

Being home was a relief. The comforting smells, the family members, and being able to sit down without having to worry about Chris McLean blowing an air horn as soon as you sit down.

She was excited to go back to school, except for the fact everyone at school would probably know her from Total Drama, and boy, would that be humiliating.

Everything went back to normal after Total Drama. She spent the last few days of her Summer Vacation working at her job, reading, or re-reading all the information she needed to know to become a lawyer. She had practically memorized it by now.

The one thing that wasn't the same was the guilt she felt for leaving Duncan. She kept kicking herself for actually liking him. Every day as she tried to fall asleep, he crossed her mind. She kept telling herself every time no one was around.

I don't like him anymore. I don't like him anymore. I don't like him anymore!

But it never worked. She kept finding herself looking his name up on the web every time she went to search for something. Every time a punk walked into the Ice Cream Shop she worked at, she would have to take a five minute break and wait for them to leave. She kept secretly hoping every time she went out to the store she'd catch a glimpse of him, and she could apologize. She had to kick herself and recite the same five words.

I don't like him anymore. I don't like him anymore. I don't like him anymore!

School started up again, and she was ecstatic to figure out she went to the same school as Bridgette and Gwen. She even had a few classes with each of them. She was glad to have some actual friends.

All her other friends made fun of her for any little thing that happened on the show.

Everything was going great.

Until Two Weeks later.

Mrs. Tucker(Courtney's Teacher for Math, First Period) stood up from her chair and adjusted her glasses as soon as everyone was seated after the bell rang.

"Alright everyone, I know it's only been the first two weeks of school, but we already have a new student. I expect you all to treat him nicely."

That wouldn't be a problem for Courtney. She was the nicest, and practically on everyone in the class's good side.

"Please welcome, Duncan!"

Courtney's face turned pale as a familiar green-haired boy walked in. He had a black hoodie on with a skull and ripped jeans. He sported the same eyebrow piercing and red sneakers.

"S'up." He said to the class, not really paying attention.

"Would you care to say something about yourself to the class?" Mrs. Tucker asked, smiling at him.

Duncan smiled. "No." He said, before taking a seat in the back without waiting for a reply.

Courtney was shocked. She looked to her right at Bridgette and Gwen. They were both in shock too.

Courtney tried to make it unnoticeable that she was looking back at him. He was either avoiding eye contact as he slumped in his chair, twirling a pencil in his fingers already, or he just didn't see her.

Courtney's heart was racing a mile a minute. But she knew she wasn't going to say anything.

When school was finally over, Courtney was glad to not have seen Duncan in any of her other classes.

"I can't believe he's back." Bridgette said, shutting her locker door and throwing her backpack over her shoulder.

"What do you mean, back?" Courtney asked, trying to sound not very interested. She didn't want to be. She hadn't told herself she was over him for nothing.

"Well he did come here before the Show. But then he got suspended." Gwen stepped in. She was shuffling stuff around in her black bedazzled purse looking for something.

"I don't understand why you guys are talking about him. There's not much to talk about." Courtney said, holding her nose high, trying really hard to act like she didn't care.

When really, it was all she cared about.

She wanted to be with him again, now that she knows he if real. It was a gut-wrenching feeling, knowing she wanted someone who was so unlike her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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