Saeran x Mc

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Saeran had just took you into Mint Eye. You were terrified, confused, and a bit happy at the same time. He didn't treat you too horribly yet. He treated you quite nicely, actually. Saeran also said that while you were here, you were going to be his assistant.

"Saeran?" You walked up to his desk."Yes, Mc?" He responded, still keeping his eyes glued to the screens."Can i go home?" This was the 3rd time you've asked this. Saeran stood up . He looked at you annoyed. "You can't leave!" He gripped your shoulder and shoved you down onto the bed. He sat back down in his chair, going back to hacking.

You pouted and watched him hack. Saeran didn't look or speak to you the rest of the night. You laid down on his bed and dozed off.

After a few hours, Saeran finished his work.  He walked over to you and smiled. He draped the covers on you and placed a kiss on your forehead.

~After a year~

Saeran took your hand and blushed. You looked at him and also blushed. You've known Saeran for a couple of months now.
"M-mc...will you...go out with me?" It's been a year since you've first went into Mint Eye, and its been two years since you've first met Saeran. "I..I will" You held his hand and blushed. Saeran kissed your cheek, he was also as red as a tomato. You placed a soft, gentle kiss on his lips and blushed deeply. Saeran finally turned red and kissed back.

   After a few days of being Saeran's girlfriend he decided to take you out for a movie. "What type of movie do you want to watch?" Saeran asked, sounding happy and delighted. "Horror?" Saeran agreed. Horror was actually you and Saeran's favorite genere. About thirty minutes into the film, Saeran wrapped his jacket around you and pulled you close to him. He looked away like he did nothing, but was slightly blushing. You kissed his cheek and went back to watching the movie.

At one point in the movie, you jumped and screamed. Saeran chuckled and held you in his arms. After the movie was over, and you both arrived back at Mint Eye, you stepped out of the car still shaking. Saeran chuckled again and walked over to you. He picked you up (bridal style) and brought you inside. As you walked by, the believers stared at you and Saeran as you two walked by. When you both reached his room, he tossed you onto the couch. He walked over to the kitchen and made some hot cocoa. You looked at him and he handed you the cup and you took it. You sipped the hot cocoa, Saeran sat down beside you and and wrapped his arm around you. He turned on the TV and put on a show you both like.

~After a few years~

After being Saeran's girlfriend for three years now, you and him decided to go out. You two went out to a park. He had already prepared and you both sat down on a cloth he set up, you both had a picnic. You were there with him for a few hours. Right before you two got into the car, he got down on one knee and held out a small black box.
"Mc..we've been together for awhile now...and..i've been wanting to ask you this for awhile but...will you..marry me?"
Tears of joy formed into your eyes. "Yes!~"
He stood up immeditely and hugged you tightly. Tears of joy started to form in his eyes as well. You hugged him tightly.

~After the marriage and a couple of years~

You and Saeran had been married now for 4 years.

Saeran snuck up behind you and snaked his arms around your waist. "Hello beauty~"
You jumped and smiled. "Hello Saeran~" You placed your arms on top of his. He set his chin on your shoulder. "Soo~ what should we do today, My love~"
You leaned your head on his and shut your eyes. "I'm not sure~"

                            ~The End~

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