Chaoter One: A Change of Fate

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A light mist of rain falls over the castle. My eyes follow the young lovers, dancing together in the pale light of the moon. Letting out a huff of air, I find myself envious. Being the eldest twin, I would never have the freedom that Edwin has. Thought we are mere minutes apart, I've always felt a sense of responsibility that my brother has not.

Father says otherwise. He says if ever I should decide I no longer wish to wed the chosen king of my mother’s land, all I need do is speak the words. But how can I refuse such a gift? I know I shall never inherit this throne as only a male heir is allowed to ascend the throne.

Besides, I've been told my intended is a well mannered young man who cannot wait till the day he holds me in his arms per his monthly letters he sends. They are rather sweet after all.

Sighing, I heave from the window. Drawing the curtain shut, I grab my night candle from the drawing table. Perhaps a walk will clear my mind of this plaguing doubt. My songbird whistles in the corner, forcing a smile to my lips.

“Hello pretty bird.” I whisper, approaching the cage. I stick my fingers between the bars, wiggling them a bit. The small

Yellow colored bird chirps in response. It hops over to where my finger are. It's tiny head nuzzles against me. I giggle in response. Chester had been a gift from my grandfather almost six years ago. He's explained the tiny bird was native to his land, a land I would eventually get to see.

Part of me cannot help but wonder if I will be like the bird in the cage; a beautiful little creature stuck forever behind bars. I shudder at the thought of such a fate. I retract my hand from the bars, turning from the little creature.

I wander out into the castle hall. A guard stands at my door, lance in hand. He regards me a moment before speaking, “Lady Evelyn. ''Tis late for a stroll.”

I smile, “Aye, that it is. I fear my mind will not allow me to sleep. I thought, perhaps, a stroll would ease my mind.”

His helmet obscures much of his face but I can sense his disapproval. He stands straighter, staring down the bridge of his nose, “I cannot allow you to travel the halls alone.”

“Perhaps you would care to accompany me, then?” I suggest, “I would relish the company of a friendly face.”

“I cannot leave my post.”

I sigh, “What a conundrum. If you cannot leave my post, than you cannot prevent me from leaving.” I turn from him, moving further into the hall way, “Goodnight, Geoffrey.”

As I walk from my door, the soft sound of a chuckle reaches my ears. My lips twitch into a smile. Geoffrey has guarded my door ever since I could remember. As a child, I relished into avoiding his watchful gaze. Now, I realize that he is merely doing as my father has instructed. Nonetheless, i am far from the mood for company.

The sounds on a giggling female come from around a nearby corner. My brother appears, swaying and reeking of mead. My nose wrinkles as he and the ember haired female at his side approach. Her eyes widen at the sight of me, her body retracting behind Edwin.

“Sister!” He exclaims, “Have you met Emily?” His words slur.

“No, I do not believe we've been properly introduced.”

She dips, “Y-your highness.”

“Just Evelyn, if you please.”

The girl is clearly frightened of how I might respond to the quite compromising situation she now finds herself in. She most likely fears she will be banished from Court.

“We are in love.” Edwin announces, chest puffing out.

I cock an eyebrow, “Is that so? Tell me, Edwin, how many girls is that this month? I swear, I've forgotten.”

The girl, Emily, snatches her hand from Edwin, “There are others?”

Edwin scrambles to remedy the situation, “no! None like you. You're special.”

“Emily, dear, I am not sure what lies my brother has told you but he has no intention to marry you. He will woo you, bed you, and then discard of you.”

The young Emily begins to weep, “oh god. How could I have been so foolish?”

“Fear not, Emily. You are not the first girl to fall for his charm. Return to your chambers. I shall deal with my brother.”

The girl turns, fleeing our presence. My brother whirls to face me, dark eyes burning with rage, “How dare you intervene into my personal life?” He growls.

I take two steps toward him, the back of my hand connecting with the side of his face. He covers the mark, stumbling backwards in disbelief.

“Mother and Father may ignore your reckless disregard of your responsibilities but I will not. You are heir to the throne, Edwin. When Father passes, the crown will be passed to you. Your should be focused on finding a Queen to share your throne not tricking young serving girls into your bed.”

“I have no desire to be King!” Edwin suddenly roars, “How is it you still do not understand that? Edgar could-”

I click my tongue, “Edgar is a child and he is not the eldest son. You are eighteen. He is twelve.”

“Mother says I do not have to be king. She says I can find love, happiness, without wearing a crown.”

His broken words tug at my heartstrings, “Is that what you are doing? And what of the girls that find themselves in your bed? Do they not deserve the same right to find love? Do you not think of their broken hearts when you discard them?”

His lower lip trembles, “I-I”

Before he can finish that sentence, the soft light of another candle appears from the shadow. Mothers soft but weathered face appears, thin lips parted in a look of fear mingled with concern.

“What on earth is happening out here?”

Edwin and I exchange glances, “Nothing mother. I was simply lecturing Edwin on his overindulgence of mead.”

“To bed with you, Edwin.” Mother sighs, “We shall speak of this tomorrow.” She turns his attention to me, “Evie. Come with me. There is something we must discuss.”

“Of course, mother.” I dutifully follow her away from Edwin, allowing her to lead me into her chambers.

The room is lit with candles, a great deal many of them. It would seem Mother is restless as well. Mother settles into her lounge chair, hand patting the cushion next to her. I take a seat.

“Evelyn.” She sighs, palm caressing my cheek, “Oh, my dearest Evelyn.”

My eyebrows pinch in worry, “Mother, is something the matter?”

She turns, reaching for a parchment on the drawing desk behind her. Her hand shakes as she presents it to me. I take the parchment, eyes scanning the contents. I inhale sharply.

“Is-is this true?”

She nods tearfully, “Your betrothed is no longer in this world. You must travel at first light to claim your birthright.”

“I am to be Queen.” I reply, my voice flat, “Queen of a land I've never seen, a Queen to a people who's customs I do not know.” My chest seizes in fear, “Mother, I am not ready.”

She leans forward, cupping my face gently, “You can do this. You are stronger than you know.”

I nod, “I will make you and father proud.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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