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  • Dedicated to Andrew Doyle

Chapter 1

I woke up to a sudden snarling sound from outside my door. The sound was ten times worse then nails on a chalkboard. I breifly wondered why the heck Ash was snarling and roaring until I realized what the say was. May 24. Crap.

May 24. The day I hate the most. My birthday. "Ash!" I yelled, sitting upright in bed, folding my hands on my lap. My door was slowly pushed open by some maids which were shakeing in fright. Just the sight of them made mer burst out laughing and of course they all looked at me like I was mad.

"Ash were you scareing my chamber maids again?" I asked, the amused tone within my voice unmissable. Ash puffed up his furry chest with pride and nodded his head as he spoke," Yes indeed Miss Alicia." Which earned a scowl from me. He knew better then to call me that! "Mister Ash! How many more times must I tell you not to call me by my first name?" I snaped at him as he dissappeared off to someone, and flicked my hair over my shoulder as I was suddenly yanked to my feet by someone.

My good mood immediately cut short I put on a viscious snarling face then turned to face the person who dared to touch me. And immediately I froze and stared. "Ash!"I admonished him. "I was this close,"I paused to put my thumb and my index finger so close together they were almost touching then continued," to turning you into nothing more then a pile of ash." I said, stareing still at him in his human form.

His reply to me was nothing more then some laughter and him sauntering out the door. I rolled my eyes. "Idiot." I muttered under my breath as my maids got my dressed in a beautiful Gothic dress that lightly brushed the floor. It wasn't so much that I was a tom-boy as I just didn't like all the pink fru-fru stuff.

I was snapped to reality right as I was reaching for my door nob to head to my birthday celebration by a dark laugh behind me. I turned around slowly, my white fox ears that were usually hidden by my pure white hair poked out and swivled, searching for the source of the sound while I turned. Immediately I gasped in shock then opened my mouth to let out a cry of terror, but before I could utter a sound a strong, ice cold hand pressed itself over my mouth and a big strong, ice cold arm wraped itself around my waist. Then I felt two fangs enter my neck and the last thing I saw before I passed out were three other pairs of eyes, blood red eyes to be exact, stareing in loathing at me.

************PLEASE READ***************

This is the first time I have ever posted anything or showed anyone ANY of my writeing. 1 vote to start with and I will post the second chapter. Please give me feedback and don't be mean about it :( Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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