August 9 ,2014

104 6 4

Dear Diary ,

Today has been sort of depressing...

I found out my cousin has been cutting himself

for awhile now.... *tear drops onto book*

I've been thinking about it myself...

I think to much. I over think everything.

Like I'll be thinking about my Nana ,

And then the next minute I'll be crying because I over thought that she could Die today.

Ugghhhh I hate my mind. Well I have to go to practice . Talk to you later Journal.

~Lizzie 💋


I close my journal, and jump off my bed. I walk over to closet and get out some softball pants, sliding shorts, and a tie die shirt. I then close my closet and walk over to my dresser and open the top shelf and grab some yellow softball socks.i walk into my bathroom and change . I look in the mirror at myself... I think to myself "I'm so ugly " a tear slips down my face.. I open the top drawer to the left and see a razor... I think to myself again "come on Lizzie your stronger then this , zack wouldn't want you doing this to yourself.." I take the razor and make a couple slits on my wrist. Then A couple more . Blood is everywhere.On the counter &on the floor. I look at my wrists and feel "happy" I put the razor away and clean up my wrist. I put my hair up and then walk downstairs to my mom .

"Hey I'm ready let's go."I say

"Okay , Let's go."she replies

I walk out the door and walk to my moms car and off we go.

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