Trapped in Biology

40 1 13

I remember when the world wasn't so fucked up. When all we had to worry about was the threat of war, getting sick, and who was dating who.

Nowadays, you had to worry if you could outrun that zombie running after you, praying you didn't get bitten or scratched, and if you could find shelter with food before you died of starvation.

Crazy, huh?


The outbreak happened a few months ago in a laboratory under Sunhee's father's command. She didn't know much about what went on in there, having been banned from being inside the labertory since she was a small girl. All she knew was the loud crying of the alarms that day and all the commotion. So many people running in fear, some covered in blood, others eating people. She remembered that part so vividly. The way the sick people had started eating the healthy ones like they had been starving for years and could no longer conrol themselves.

Kai, her bodyguard, had scooped her up into his arms, carrying her from the building while all she could do was watch in horror as people ate on each other. It was a real life zombie film come to life, and she was caught in the middle of it. Now, Sunhee was alone, a side from the zombies banging on the classroom door, locked inside of her school. She had been here, locked away for a month, living off of the cafeteria food and killing the few zombies she happened to stumbled upon. But something had changed. There were so many more now than she had encounter since first entering the school.

Stuck on the third floor, she hid behind what once was the teacher's desk, clutching the butcher knife in her right hand, her heart pounding . On the floor in front of her she had a pistol, empty of all but one bullet, a hammer, and a few bottles of tylenol and ibprophan and bandages. So far she had not been hurt by the Z's, but she had managed to break a few nails, have filthy unwashed hair, and her make up was virtually nonexistent. She was also pretty sure she smelled almost, if not, as bad as the zombies that were chasing after her.

Still dressed in the gym clothes she had found in the locker room of the school, she rubbed the exposed skin of her legs, trying to rid herself of the cold that seemed to be settling into her bones as the banging on the door grew louder.  The wood began to bow, whining under the weight of the zombie hoard trying to get in, signaling to Sunhee she needed to leave.

Peering from behind the desk, she saw the wood beginning to splinter before her eyes. Fuck! Picking up her things, she stuffed them into the purse sitting almost forgotten behind her, and took hold of the postol. She slipped the gun into her back pocket, wanting to save her last bullete incase she was ever bitten, Sunhee rushed around the desk as quickly and quietly as she could; making her toward for the second door.

Heart racing, she reached out and wrapped her fingers around the cold metal doorknob. Please let me make it out of here alive. I did not survived this long to die here.

She turned the handle and pulled the heavy wooden door back only to have three of the living dead rush inside and charge at her.

Rushing back she tightened her grip on the handle of her knife, her knuckles turning white from her grip as a cry flew from her lips. Sunhee swung the blade up, slicing into the rotten skin of the Zombie's face. Her empty stomach churned in disgust as the flesh made a sickening splat on the floor below, bile sitting at the back of her throat, threating to make her sick if she didn't start focusing on something else.

Like staying alive.

Backing up more, she was able to avoid a nasty swing of rotting fingers, Sunhee bumped into a desk, the heavy object just barely scraping over the floor, the sound drawing more attention to her. Rotting corpses lunged forward, their arms stretched out for her as if she were their only reason for living. In a strange, zombie needling brains kind of way, she was. Funny how she was now a source of someone getting out of bed other than a paycheck.

Moving around the desk, she put her hands on the edge and pushed it against the zombies as a way of moving them backward while keeping them at a distance. Once they were secured against the wall, Sunhee reached out and shoved her blade into the overly soft skull of the first zombie. It instantly went limp, spraying blood on her face as she drew out her blade. The smell of rot and decay now much stronger than before as she cursed for a shower.

Retching at the rancid smell of dead blood, brains, and other scents rotting flesh gave off, Sunhee rammed the sharp blade into the second and third zombie trapped behind the desk.

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed her shoulder, causing a scream to escape her lips, and her to swing her arm, her fist coming in contact with hard flesh. A groan of pain reached her ears before she opened her eyes.

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