Goodbye for Now

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Camila's p.o.v

Wow. Did he really think I didn't hear him. He said he loved me. I know for fact he was talking about me because he said "I love you CAMILA" this isnt like that time in 5th grade when my crush Joshua Moon said "I love you" and I thought he was talking to me when he was actually talking about the sandwitch in his hand. This time I am not crazy. Someone actually loves me! Do I love him back?  Well I dont yet... we're both singers and I dont want that same relationship as Jelena had. Selena getting hate from most of Justin's fandom. Would that me and Austin? Would the Mahomies hate me? Well already do.. and that was before our kiss... so practically dead to them now.. this was to much to handle so I decide just to pack since Boot Camp was tomorrow for X-Factor. I got a text.

Austin ♡: im sorry for last night.. I shouldn't have kissed you.

Wow Camila way to fucking go. You are pushing him away. One kiss and youve got him regretting it. I was sobbbing at this point. Wow and to think I wad falling for him. oh well I guess I'll just be miss movin on. (hahaha ya see what I did there? (;)

Me: No biggie.. it just wasnt meant to be .. its not like we felt sparks or anything anyways..

Camila, why ya lyin?

Austin ♡: Oh... i did...

Me: you dont have to lie to me to make me feel better austin seriously im ok (:

No im not im freaking dying inside.

Austin ♡: im not Camila.. in the past few days i began to have feeling for you...

Why is Austin lyin to me? If he had feelings for me why would he regret it? He had to be lying to not hurt me. Right? This i what i get for falling for those famous boys, Mami taught me better.

Me: Austin just stop please.. plus I like being your bud way better anyways im going to be leaving tonighg for boot camp anyways so I wont be able to talk for a while so I guess this goodbye.. for now.

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