The bond and a hard time .

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No one 's pov:

Day by day , the two kids got very close to each other . They were really happy especially yoongi , he was so relieved when hoseok finally felt completely comfortable
With him , hoseok either . He's really glad that his wish finally came true , he loves yoongi as his only friend and yoongi always made hoseok think that the elder were pretty like an angel and told him to smile more due to the fact that his smile was like sunshine that shines bright to his dull life.

Yoongi was so possessed with the elder , he would get angry easily just by someone talking at hoseok or even
Looking at him without yoongi's permission and he would scold those people or even Fire them . Hoseok didn't seems to like it much . It's not that he didn't want yoongi as his best friendbut sometimes he would think having many friends are better , but since he wishes to have a friend at least , he couldn't do anything about it .  He think he shouldn't be greedy he should be satisfied so he did.

Hoseok think his life was too easy like this , he felt guilty
So he once asked yoongi if he could have a job as a servent , gardener or do the landuray just to be more useful and helpful , he didn't want just eat okay and sleep
With yoongi and be like a prince as him . He knew his place , though yoongi never complain about him living a good fancy like yoongi but deep down, hoseok always remember . He wasn't a type of people who forgot where they came from . He knew he was just a lost baby that his parents didn't need him , he really knew .

The king and queen didn't even complain to the fact that their only son had a best friend that was a slave . Hoseok was really surprised , he would think that the king and queen would be disgusted of him but , NO . He was completely wrong . Queen seokjin loves to give hoseok
Clothes , jewelry , and some clothes he found it wired
Like its a collar for a dog or something but it's pretty . Or maybe the queen will buy hoseok a dog ?? That's why there are collars ... But there are alot too.

Sometimes the queen would give him some sock . But hoseok still found it unusual because the sock was long and the fabric of it was thin yet very soft and Some  were see through . Not to forget about some skirt . Hoseok couldnt make out why he needed this so he once asked the when and he just winked and blow a kiss at him with a smirk and walk away saying he needed to go  . Hoseok really get it that the queen loves to wear see though clothes , but not around the palace , only with the king.

Meanwhile the king was very busy as always . Hoseok could know why . He worked hard to make his people happy and  peace in the kingdom , he would be so proud if his best friend be a good king like his father . Though when the king saw hoseok around the palace we would smile at him and greet him . Asking if him and yoongi was doing well . Hoseok really respect the king and queen they were like his parents . And he didn't know what did he do in the past like to deserve this . Even half of his childhood was very bitter but at least now it's turned to sweet .

When yoongi  had his royal tutors and teaches him , yoongi would say he wanted hoseok to be with him at that time as well and hoseok would always refuses to be at his side while yoongi is studying . He kinda knew that whenever he's with yoongi ,the prince's attention would always in hoseok's plam . So he knew that if he will be with yoongi while he took the lesson yoongi couldnt focuses so hoseok decided to stay away from the prince during his study times and He would promise to make it up to yoongi when his royal classes finished .

Yoongi and hoseok's bond is no joke . Yoongi was obsessed with the elder and clingy  but the elder didn't mind he knew that he is the prince 's only close friend and the prince was also his only close friend . Hoseok personality was very cheerful , happy and make other people happy as well  and he's patient , calm. On the other hand yoongi was cold around other people but his parents and hoseok's ofcoruse , he's agrrorant , dreadful
Impatient no mercy and he's the opposite of calm .

When hoseok didn't came , the king and queen would didn't it super hard to call yoongi down , indeed . But the queen manage to get through it . He could only make yoongi calm for a good while but not completely. But everything change with hoseok came , the older find it opposite from his parents , yoongi was so easy to calm down and after that he will completely calmed for a long time as long as hosoek was with him .

Sometimes yoongi found it bored to play with the stupid toys but he only plays it with hosoek . He managed to act like he really enjoyed playing those toys but only if hoseok knew that he didn't . He  wanna play those toys with hosoek to see his bright smile , yes he really did that . First time everyone was kinda shock that yoongi touches the toys but it happens alot of time that he played  with hoseok so they stop thinking about it .

10 years ....... 1 until 9 . Everything was slightly different .
But Who knows . Yoongi was really busy these days and spent his time with his father and learn to take over the kingdom . He knew hoseok was lonely . Yoongi didn't let hosoek has any more friends.  He didn't like anyone get near his precious angel , no . That's a no.

Hoseok himself was kinda upset . All these years with yoongi they would always we with each other all day .
But now yoongi would wake up  in the morning and just pecked him took a shower dressed Up and after he would
Run his day with the king eat lunch with the king  . At night he came back and took a shower eat dinner gave another peck again and cuddle hoseok to sleep . In the morning yoongi will continue the same actively again and again.

Hosoek couldn't take it , he's not used to being alone most of the time without yoongi by his side , it made him feels like he's with his owner again . A life which you live alone . Yoongi is very important to him he needed yoongi
And crave his attention so he decided to ask the queen how was yoongi doing , if he's doing well or not . The queen could see the sadness and the loneliness in hoseok's beautiful eyes . He is quite worried .

But hoseok's feeling go better , the queen told him that yoongi is learning and practicing himself to be a good king for the whole kingdom so he needed times .Hoseok is willing to give yoongi times to practice himself to be a good king like his father , it's what hoseok wanted so if this will hurt by not having yoongi by his side but the fact that yoongi will be a good further king hosoek didn't find one bit. He didn't .

So hoseok would help the queen cook became soemtime the queen wanted to make the king's meal by himself just for his busy  husband and his hard working son. The queen and hoseok get very close they were like a real blooded parent and son. But when the queen was to tired to cook
(A/n :  blame joon , duh ? He's never gentle and can go alot of rounds 999999999 so yeah ) hoseok would play with the big lion ,  he found holly cute just like yoongi did .
But he knew other people didn't but he could care less .

I can't take this anymore , if he didn't give me attention     I'll make him , just at least a  bit of your attention .

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