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Thursday 9:21 am

"Your boyfriend is gonna kill you."

"For what?" I giggled

"You've spent basically the whole week with me." Quis explains

"He acts like he doesn't even care, so whatever." I shrugged

Marquis hooked his neck around the tree to look at me

"I don't wanna break you guys up or anything."

"Shut up and stop worrying about it."

I am currently laying under a tree listening to music while Quis sits on the opposite side of the tree reading a book.

"-laugh until our ribs get soft...but that will never be enough..." I sang along

"I wanna right a song for her..." I said my eyes focusing on a bird in the sky

I hope it doesn't poop on me.

"Sky!" Someone called out

It was Willow.

"Heyyy." I said

"I need to tell you something." she said nervously

"Nooo not now, later. Come vibe with us." I looked at her worried face seeing that she needed to relax

She laid down beside me saying hi to Quis

"Yoooo Quis." Krissy yelled as she walked towards us with Téo and Moi.

"Hey Kristina." he smirked

"Hey. Hey. Hey." she gave him a stern look

"Guysss look who I found!" Kylie cheered running over to us

I sat up seeing Telana and Nala.

"Oh my god my babies!!!! Give Mama some sugar!" I hopped up and hugged them

"Hiii." they both said looking at each other and laughing

"So where were you guys heading?" Krissy asked

"We were going to go study for the last hour of study hall." Telana shrugged

"Oh I'll come with you." I said getting up and brushing myself off and grabbing my book bag

I walked over to the corner of the room Jaden was sitting in.

He had his head down.

"Hey.." I whispered as I slid into the seat across from him.

He cleared his throat before saying "hey."

I reached across grabbing his hand. "what's wrong?"

He cleared his throat again lifting his head "Nothing, just tired."

He squeezed my hand glancing into my eyes before putting his head back down

I just starred at him, well the top of his head.

He suddenly sat up straight looking straight into my eyes

As I looked into his eyes I could see that he wasn't just tired. I could see that he was angry, but not towards me. It was more of a self hatred. I knew that look... he had done some-

Jaden suddenly stood up and flipped the table storming out of the room.

"Fuck." I said as I pushed the table off of my foot

"What?" I questioned when I realized everyone was looking at me

I walked- well limped back out to the garden

Hearts Break { A Jaden Smith Love Story }Where stories live. Discover now