Chapter 1

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"Come on Megan," I called out to my fifteen year old sister as I waited for her at the end of the stairs, "you're going to be late for work, yet again."

She groaned, "Don't get your knickers in a twist."

I tapped the ends of my nails on the metal railing.  5 minutes passed until she appeared in front of the steps, hands rested on her hips, "Ready," She said, gliding down the stairs.

Taking a quick glance at her, I fell in love with her outfit. She situated a flowered crop top with beige shorts, a brown belt, and matching beige oxford's. I wasn't really wearing much different from her style, but I was a little more covered up. Rather than a crop top, I wore a white tank top, a mini varsity jacket with the combination of orange and white, ripped jean shorts, and blue Keds.

"Took you long enough," I advised, stepping aside so she could pass by. Grabbing my purse and car keys, she opened the door for us.  I locked the door before running to my car.

Slipping out my phone to check the time, it read 8:45. "Shit," I cursed, opening my car door and sliding in. "You're fucking late." Putting my keys into the ignition, I turned it. I turned the wheel until I backed up into the street. "You better hope your boss doesn't fire you." I said, as we drove away.

After dropping Megan off, I decided to stop and get some McDonalds breakfast. It was early and I hadn't eaten yet. Pulling up into my drive way, I put the car in park and opened the door. I grabbed the bag of food and shimmed out of the car. I moved my hair over my left shoulder in attempt to get it out of my face since it was getting really windy. I locked my car and began walking towards my front door. I was about to unlock it when I got a weird feeling. The hairs in the back on neck stood up and my stomach flipped, the feeling you normally get when someone is watching you. I contemplated if I should go   saw a curly haired boy leaning against a tree a couple flats down from mine, staring at me with a concentrated look. Awkwardly smiling, I waved, hoping he wasn't a stalker.

Not receiving a gesture back, I uncomfortably flashed him one more smile, before hurriedly rambling towards my flat. Anxiously reaching into my purse, I grabbed my keys and immediately opened the door. Closing it behind me, I rested my back against the wooden board, heavily breathing.

That was abnormal, if you ask me.


Slipping in a DVD, I pounced onto the couch as I gripped onto a bowl that was filled with the tasty, buttery, salty substance known as popcorn. Grabbing a piece, I popped it into my mouth.

I gathered my movie favorites into a small pile next to me and began to go through them. After a minute or so of deciding, I chose to watch This Is The End, the movie with James Franco. As soon as the commercials began to play, I crossed my legs and got comfortable.


Yawning, I stretched out my tired muscles. Sitting up from my comfortable position on the couch.

I'm feeling a bit hungry. I thought.

As if on cue, my stomach let out this unpleasant howl, causing me to cringe. I better eat something before my stomach decides to eat me. Getting up, I shuffled my cold, bare feet across the wooden floor, into the kitchen. Rummaging through drawers and cabinets, I pulled out some leftover pasta from the fridge from the night before. Opening the lid, I picked up a fork and spread a large amount onto a plate, before stuffing it into the microwave. Setting it for one and half minutes, I leaned up against the counter, thinking about that boy I saw earlier today.

He was quite fit if I remember. His chocolate brown curls that looked one of a kind. His eyes, green with a hint of gray. It looked beautiful in the suns rays.



Shaking my head, I opened the microwave. Snap out of it Rebecca! I demanded to myself. He is just a boy. A regular, everyday boy.

Pulling out the bowl, I winced a little as it burned my skin.

So, what makes him so special? I thought. What makes him so worthy enough to invade my brain?

Walking back into the living room, I sat down on the couch, placing the boiling plate inside a piece of cloth I had on the table. Lifting it closer to my body, I scooped up a spoonful and placed it in my mouth. Chewing the saucy substance, I looked out the window.

I wonder if I'll ever see him again.


Taken back, I jolted up, dropping the plate onto the floor. Pacing my feet up and down, pasta and pieces of glass flew and rolled everywhere, just missing my foot.

"That's just freakin' great," I hollered, kneeling down to start picking up the mess. Forgetting about the noise I heard earlier, I grabbed the tissues I had on the side table and dabbed at it. Lightly cussing at myself, I hadn't noticed the five figures creeping up behind me.

Running out of napkins, I stood up to go retrieve some more from the kitchen. Once turning around, I was surprisingly faced with a tall, black figure with blue eyes.

Screaming in surprise, he/or she quickly covered my mouth with a large piece of tape. Lifting my hands to take it off, the person grabbed them before I could and forced them behind my back. Eyes widening as I turned around, another figure was there. Grabbing my legs, I was instantly lifted off the ground. Kicking my legs and swinging my arms, I tried to get out of their grip.

"Open the door, quickly." They stammered, grunting.

Entering the dark night, I helplessly looked up at the sky, hyperventilating, with only one thought running throughout my brain.

I was being kidnapped.


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