Homecoming: Part1

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I woke up the next morning looking to my side, realising harry was not next to me but i could have sworn we fell asleep together. He probably got up in the middle of the night to go home.

I started getting ready for school, today was the big day not only was the day of homecoming dance its the day me and harry have to show our romeo and juliet scenes infront of our whole class and i was dreading it, i hate speaking in public and having all eyes on me it makes me self conscious. I finished getting ready and went downstairs mum sn lucas was already at the breakfast table so i went over to say good morning.

"good morning" i said smiling.

"good morning ari" they both replied in unison.

I grabbed myself an apple from the fruit bowl washed it and took a bite.

"Not having breakfast?" Mum asked.

"no i better start making my way to school i have my class presentation today" i replied.

"oh right, the romeo and juliet right?" Lucas asked. I nodded in response.

"well good luck today ari, you'll nail it im sure" he smiled.

"Thanks lucas" i replied smiling back, throwing away my finished apple. I washed my hands in the sink and dried them with the drying cloth.

"What about the dance?" Mum asked me.

"Its at 8 but ill be home around 5 to get ready and that, harry said his picking me up to go together" i replied as i slinged my handbag over my shoulder and fixed my dress.

"Oh alright then love, well good luck today you will do great" mum smiled.


"Good luck with the presentation ari, you will do brilliantly im sure of it". Perrie said.

"Thanks Pezz" i said as i walked in the class.

Walking in i spot harry at the usual seat smiling over at me. I smiled back and walked to the seat next to him.

"Morning sunshine" he spoke.

"Hey there, where did you go this morning?" I asked him.

"Oh i heard your mum get up and climbed out the window before she spotted me, because you know that will be weird if she saw me lying in your bed" he chuckled as he replied.

I laughed in reply and nodded. Mrs phillips walked inside the room with a clipboard, adjusting her glasses.

"Good morning class, the day has arrived in which you and your partners will present your roleplay scences infront of the whole class, you have had 2 weeks to prepare so im expecting you've learnt your lines and im sure you'll do perfect".

I gulped as she said the last words. I have learnt all the lines and so has harry but my nerves where starting to kick in and i just wanted to run out the room into a cubicle in the toilets.

"Its ok ari we'll be fine" Harry patted my hand as he told me. I just smiled.

"First up we have.. Harry Styles And Arriane Collins please". Crap i didn't want to go up first. I stood up straightening my dress and fixing my hair. Harry and i walked to the front of the classroom where Mrs Phillips recieved us with a smile.

"Whenever your ready" she said.

10 minutes later...

So far we had said all the correct lines and was doing brilliantly i can feel it as everyone was so attentive and mrs phillips kept smiling, we had got to the kissing scene, the part i had been dreading.

"Saints do not move, through grantvfor prayers sake". I said my final line.

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect i take". Harry finished.

I gulped once more knowing that this is it, here infront of everyone i would kiss Harry, he leaned his head forward as i copied his motions till our lips finally met, both kissing in sync.

The whole class started clapping, some where whistling others ooing and some just sat there shocked. But i did it, we did it and i was glad it was over.

"Well done Harry and Ari that was perfect, i can tell you both learned your lines and practiced" she told us smiling and then scribbled something on her clipboard.

Harry smiled up at me and his dimples where showing. "That wasn't so bad mrs collins". He told me. "Not bad yourself mr styles" i replied.


Louis P.O.V

As i was making my way to one of the bending machines by the cafeteria i feel a tug in my shoulder.

"Tomlinson i need your help". I turned around recognising whos voice that was.

"What can i help you with Taylor?" I replied.

"I need you to help me bring down that skunk Arianne Collins!". She practically spat at me.

"Woah there, and why do you want me to help you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I don't know about you but that bitch thinks she can walk around with harry by her side and sitting with you guys thinking shes part of the popular crowd now, i won't let that little piece of nothing take Harry from me and take my place". She spoke.

I crossed my arms and listened i motioned my hands telling her to carry on talking.

"Haven't you noticed harry doesn't spend time with you guys anymore, you know why? Because his been round hers smooching and sleeping over, only this morning i spotted him climbing down from her bedroom window. Somethings goin on between them and im not going to stand here and allow that bitch take whats mine".

She had a point, harry has stopped hanging around with us guys, i have hardly spoken to him since he started spending time with arianne, somehow i started to realise he took the bet too serious or he actually has fallen for arriane. He has actually stood up infront of me to defend her and it actually pissed me off that he defends a bitch that just came in the picture to his mate thats been here longer.

"What do you suggest we do taylor?" I ask her.

"The dance, i heard that the majority of votes for queen are going to arianne, the bitch is going to take the crown, so i suggest we embarrass her infront of the whole crowd when she walks up on stage to recieve the crown, make a fool outbof her and show her she don't deserve to be one of us". She stompped.

I'm not going to lie but angry taylor scares me, but she was right i needed my friend back and harry definately has stopped spending time with me and the boys to be with her. I won't let that happen. As messed up and horrible taylors idea was i agreed so me and her skipped school for the rest of the day, i drove taylor and i to come up with a plan to bring down Arianne tonigh.

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