[ Memory tape 1 ]

711 21 1

In favor of my birthday on October 27th. (There will be two, just decided to add another -v-)


What is it sweetheart?

What are you holding?

It's called a 'camera', it remembers things for you.

Doesn't it forget things?

It's not alive, but certain things can make this little camera forget.

Oh, okay..

How about i tell you one of my favorite stories? it'll cheer you up.

Oooh! what kind of story is it this time?

Underfell, it was very scary, But mama held onto LOVE for you and papa, waiting to get home to the two of you.

hehe, love you too mama.

Love you with all my SOUL.

*You could hear distant laughter and giggles.

Whatcha up to _____? how about you Lavender?

I'm doing fine sweetie.

Me too! *The rustling of leaves could be heard.

Papa papa! mama told me about this camera thingy, and it remembers things!

It can also take 'photo's too.

Okay! but anyways i wanted it to remember how much of a happy family we arr! 

But sweetheart, it's losing battery..

Pleaseee mama? Just one last time!

Okay _____, just once.

Hahaha! i love how excited you are today!

Of course!

Say cheese!


[ *A hand gently caressed a photo, a child with a white dress, a woman with a pastel pink sundress, and a man in military clothes. ]

I wish you both were here with me.

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