chapter one

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< Kaguras prov >
Rain drops started falling from the sky as I leaped through the trees. The sky had been clear only moments ago, so what's up? Lightning flashes as I stopped in my tracks and looked up towards the catsle. Something was definitely wrong. I changed my course and started going as fast as I could towards the catsle, when I arrived, there were no guards at the door so I snuck in through the gates. When I finally got to the other side my eyes widened as a saw general Hak raiseing his spear to Princess Yona. Before I could think I pulled out my bear claws and jumped out In front of the young princess making her eyes widen. I stopped Haks blade somehow, but it's no real surprise, my speed was greater the the thunder beast, I was an assassin after all.
I pushed back on Haks blade making him stumble. I turned around and reached my hand out to yona who stared at my green eye. A small smile could be seen through my mask, which calmed her down as she reached out and gripped my hand. I pulled her up and lifted her bridal style, the started running towards the gate. A Guard stood in my path, he looked scared as I got closer, I kinda felt bad for what I was about to do. I jumped up and stood on his face before leaping over the wall. I gracefully landed as the princess clutched onto my kimono. I ran through the streets with the princess and stopped moving once we entered the forest. I carefully placed her on the ground as she looked up at me.
" who are you? "
I smiled and patted her head. " my name is Kagura Akihiro, I worked under your father as an assassin. " she smiled at the mention of my father before looking down at the ground.
" hey, K-kagura, your on my side...right?, she asked as she tried to avoid eye contact. I leaned forward and put my forehead against hers.
Of course, I'll always be on your side I stated as I rubbed her back. I picked her up again and started to move once again, knowing that they would try to track us down and kill Yona. The sun had started to set, and Yona was fast asleep in my arms. I was the only one she could trust right now, and I Swear that I will never betray the trust she placed on me.
I once again looked up into the sky. we should arrive at the clif side by morning, we should be safe there for at least a little while., I thought as I continued to walk on through the dark forest.

Yona Of Dawn: The Two Faced Assassin ( Discontinued on this account )Where stories live. Discover now