Come with us

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"This town was built 2 years ago

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"This town was built 2 years ago."


Screeched Kija, eyes widened and full of confusion, the same look that the entire gang felt.

"I'm afraid so, General Shiro built it as a safe haven. For that girl"

Tensing up Yona finally spoke up

"What girl?"

Turning specifically to her, the young woman stared down at her.



Coral could hear it all. Between the slight sizzle of the stew and the truth about the town opening up to the tourists. But it wasn't those voices she was focusing on, instead, her scaled ears were honing in the voice of the military, while her hand still physically steering a wooden spoon in a pot of stew.

"I know what I saw!"

It was Lahur's voice, causing the woman to narrow her eyes tightening her grip, of course, that vile soldier is up to something.

"It was her! I recognized the red hair!"

Dropping the spoon Coral picked up the pot of the fire before slamming the door open. She walked out the door, trying to spot Lahur. He gift didn't just mean hearing thoughts but also a short distance.

"Then find her! Bring her to the north gate and we take her to the new king."

Running with quick speed, Coral sped towards the home of Gloria. Despite only meeting them, she cared for them it was the instinct and the calling of the dragon's blood. To speed up, Coral scrunched up the kimono so the villagers could see her bare legs as she picked up speed. When she finally saw Gloria's home and the gang walking out of the building she increased her speed. By the time she reached them, the boys gave her a death glare standing in front of Yona, weapons aimed at her. Stopping in front of them, she tried to get into Yona's line of view but was instantly rejected due to the larger males getting in the way.

"Yona please you're in danger! The soldiers are coming for you."

She pleaded, luckily the area was deserted so she didn't need to worry about Yona's identity.

"How could we trust you? You lied about this town! What else have you lied about"

Spat Hak, getting in Coral's face. Tensing, Coral said nothing in response which caused Yona to push Hak away to be the one looking at Coral.

"Coral, please. Tell me the truth, why did you lie?"

Staring deep into her purple orbs, the passion and betrayal fluttering in Yona's eyes caused Coral to turn her head. Yona sighed but didn't turn away. Picking up her pink locks, Coral raised them to show the young girl her pink scaled ears.

"I am the pink dragon warrior."


Silence. Only silence. While the gang only stared at her, Coral placed her hair back in place covering her ear then turned to her princess.

"You have to run now!"

Snatching up the young girl's hand Coral began running dragging her towards the south gate. Her friends followed in a hurry while Yoon straight up shouted.

"Hang on a minute if the soldiers knew who she was then why didn't they come earlier!"

Shaking her head while continuing to drag Yona, she slightly turned around to look at the boys who followed in a hurry.

"I don't know but we need to focus on getting Yona out of here!"

The young woman finally let go of Yona's hand when the reached the south gate, only forest and a single path could be seen.

"Don't stop running okay! They could follow you."

Her voice was calm and coordinated, she wasn't out of breath or panicking like the rest of them were. How could someone be so calm in this situation? Thought Hak, obliviously still displeased by the woman's presence. Ignoring his thoughts Coral turned to Yona who had suddenly grabbed the older girls hand.

"You have to come as well! Please? We need you."

Tensing up in shock, Coral only locked eyes onto the young princess in complete shock, someone needed her. It made her heartache and feel warm. Removing from their gaze, Coral stared at the boys:

If that's what the princess wants. -Hak

Great another one I have to look after- Yoon

Yes! That means I have a sister now. This is so exciting! -Kija - Shin-ah

Coral looked at Shin-ah giving him a small smile before turning back to Yona, making up her mind. However, when she opened her mouth to speak another voice interrupted her.

"Sorry, but she won't be going anywhere!"

(Sorry this is taking so long but it's hard to write a fanfiction without an end goal in mind. But also I've got other fanfictions that I want to do later on- I am also completing some edits for fun.)

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