Chapter 6

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soon Kurt had finished his toast, and was now sitting on his bed with Finn and Rachel thinking, "So... Is the future me your age?" Kurt asked bringing everyone out of their thoughts. "Yep!" Finn replied, smiling. "So that means your in the same year as me! Did you always go to the same school as me?" The boy questioned again. "Yeah, except this one time, when you transferred schools... But you transferred back!" Finn explained, hoping he didn't give out too much information, "Why did i transfer?" Kurt frowned. "Your just going to have to find that out by yourself." Rachel answered smiling. The small boy didn't reply for a while. "Wait! that means the younger versions of you go to my school! You guys might me in the same class as me!" Kurt gasped sitting up higher in excitement. Rachel and Finn made eye contact, both worried that they had given out too many clues to the future. "And there's only one Finn in our year!" Kurt pointed out, looking over at Finn with a smirk on his face. Finn gave Kurt a half smile and raised on eyebrow. "You found me out bro." He laughed, Kurt then turned to Rachel, "But there's like five Rachels..." the boy frowned, Rachel laughed, "I bet if you pay more attention to all those Rachels then soon you would find out which one is me!" She grinned. All of sudden the doorbell rang making Kurt jump a bit in surprise, "I wonder who that is!".

Burt quickly opened the door to see the faces of Kurt's little friend from school, Rachel, and her two dads, Hiram and Leroy Berry. "Hi Burt!" The two men grinned at the other man, "oh hello!" Burt smiled back, "what are you guys doing here?" He added politely. "We heard about your wife, Elizabeth. We are very sorry for your loss." Leroy replied a sad look casting over his face. "We made you these cookies!" Little Rachel spoke up, shoving the cookies towards Burt, "Oh why thank you Rach." The older man smiled as he took the cookies gratefully, then he looked up at her dads "Why don't you guys come in?" Burt opened the door wider so that the Berry family could walk in. "Is Kurt here?" Little Rachel asked putting her hands on her hip, looking up at Burt, waiting for him to answer. "Uh, yep! He's upstairs in his room" the man replied, Baby Rachel nodded and made her way up the stairs towards her friend's room.

Kurt and Finchel sat up in Kurt's room trying to eavesdrop but failing, "All i can hear is mumbles!" Finn sighed getting up and walking up towards Kurt's closed door where he press ear on to it trying to see if he could hear what they were saying and who was down there. All he could hear were footsteps, they were getting louder and louder, Finn frowned in confusing and then realized, 'Oh! they were heading towards this room! Oh i should move!' Finn thought but it was too late all of sudden the door was opening, with un-expecting force. The door swung open and hit Finn right in the face. "Ouch! uuh! owww!" The tall boy cringed putting a hand over his sore red eye. Kurt and Rachel had to bite their lips to stop themselves from laughing, but quickly recovered when they realized the small girl standing in the door way with her hands crossed across her chest, glaring at Finn. "Who are you? And why were you in front of the door" She questioned the older boy angrily, "I don't know maybe i wanted to use the door!" Finn fought back, frowning at the little girl. But that frown quickly changed into a face of shock, when he realized who this little girl was. Kurt noticed Finn and Rachel looking at the girl with surprise and put two and two together. Holy moly! Rachel Berry is the younger version of future Rachel! Little Kurt gasped, his eyes wide, he turned and looked at the older Rachel and smirked. Future Rachel noticed the smirk Kurt was sending her and she instantly knew that he knew who this girl in front of them was, She smiled and shook her head in amusement. "Why are you looking at me like that? You neanderthal!" Little Rachel asked Finn, Finn laughed "Oh... Nothing." He replied, making baby Rachel glare even harder, which Finn didn't even know was possible. The small girl quickly turned and skipped towards Kurt and future Rachel, "Hey Kurt! Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" She asked tilting her head and looking at Little Kurt expectantly. The young boy giggled a bit, "Sure!" He replied, side eyeing Future Rachel and smirking.

"Rachel... These are my friends, they are from the future!" Kurt told his short friend. Little Rachel just stared at him, "Kurt, have you lost your mind?" she frowned, Kurt sighed "No i have not...". Little Rachel turned towards Kurt's "friends from the future" and put her hands on her hips, "So do you guys have names?" she raised one eyebrow. "His name is Finn and her name is Ra-" little Kurt was just about to say future Rachel's name, but was stopped when the older girl quickly covered his mouth to stop him from talking. "Ra?" Rachel frowned, "Um, its, uhh, Ra- Raven... yep my name is Raven." Future Rachel laughed awkwardly, while Finn had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at the made up name. Little Kurt looked up at future Rachel confused, Why couldn't he say her real name? "Prove that you're from the future! I don't believe you!" the little girl crossed her hands across her chest. "Of course you don't.." Finn mumbled to himself, but the mini Rachel heard and sent him a glare. "I know you had won your first dance contest while you were still a baby" Rachel told the smaller version of herself, "Kurt could of told you that! i tell everyone that! plus that doesn't even prove that you are actually from the future." Little Rachel pointed out. "ugh, I don't know how to prove it!" the older girl explained, "your just gonna have to believe it and if you cant, well then that's your problem." she added, Little Rachel flicked her long, brown hair back and huffed. "Fine! i believe you!" she sighed dramatically, "Hello." she finally greeted the couple. "Hello Rachel" Future Rachel grinned and then turned towards Finn waiting for him to say hello to the little version of herself, Finn connected eyes with his girlfriend who was looking at him expectantly, "What?" He asked confused. Future Rachel frowned at the tall boy and motioned towards little Rachel, "Oh! hi" he finally told the girl. Little Kurt laughed at Finn's silliness, "Hey Rachel" Kurt smiled at his friend. Little Rachel smiled back and gave the little boy a hug. "I'm sorry about your mom." she hugged her friend a little bit tighter. Little Kurt grimaced at the mention of his mother, he missed her so much, "thanks Rachel." he smiled as they broke the hug. "Rachel!" they heard a male voice from downstairs. "We're leaving now!" one of Rachel's dad spoke up. Little Rachel hugged Kurt again "See you at school!" she told him, "Bye Finn! Bye.. Raven" Little Rachel smiled as she waved them goodbye and skipped downstairs. Future Rachel quickly followed her younger self down the stairs but stopped just at the corner. Little Rachel noticed that she had stopped following her and turned to face her, looking at her with a questioning look, future Rachel put a finger to her lips stopping the girl from talking, and then motioned her to go to her dads. Little Rachel did what she was told, but first she ran towards "Raven" and gave her a big hug. "Goodbye Raven" she whispered and then walked over to her dads. As soon as the little girl was gone Rachel quietly walked towards where little Rachel disappeared and popped her head around the corner to take a look at her dads, they looked a whole lot younger, with no grey hair! at all! Rachel sort of missed her dads. Her and Finn have been in this place for a few weeks now and they had no idea how to get home. Noticing that her dads and her younger self were heading towards the door she walked back to Kurt's room.

That night Kurt and finchel were sitting on Kurt's floor in a circle playing snap, Kurt still didn't know why he had to lie about Future Rachel's name to her younger self but he would ask her later, first he had to ask this one question that has been on his mind for a while now. "Did you guys know that my mom would die?" the small boy asked looking up at the couple with sad eyes. Finchel looked at each other then back at Kurt "Yeah bud, we did." Finn told the boy honestly, Kurt nodded sadly. Rachel sighed and pulled the boy onto her lap, hugging him slightly for comfort. Kurt smiled a little and popped a card on to the pile of cards, and then quickly smacked the cards with his hand and grinned, "Ha! I win."

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