Chapter 19

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Yeaaah I'll bet your confused

I was going to end this book, but....I realized how much more I could do so I'm back

And ready to roll

Also can I say how much I love Bts's new song, like oh my Gerd it was amazing!

Also can I say how much I love Bts's new song, like oh my Gerd it was amazing!

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Jungkook held his chest tightly as he let out coughs, vomiting violently In the toilet. Taehyung rubbed the youngers back an utter feeling of fear and sadness taking his whole mind and body over. Jungkook soon wiped his mouth letting out a heavy breath for air. He fell back into Taehyungs arms, his body too weak to hold on anymore, leading to him to almost pass out "Jungkook...." Taehyung spoke as the youngers eyes struggled to stay open "I-I'm so tired...." Jungkook spoke shaking slightly "Shhh, rest...I'll carry you to bed okay?" Taehyung spoke with a reassuring smile leaving Jungkook comforted. The younger soon fell fast asleep in Taehyungs arms.

The elder laid the younger in his bed, putting the blankets on the younger. He began to clean the bathroom flushing the toilet and cleaning the youngers mouth and hands. Once he was done he laid himself next to the younger who hugged him tightly, Taehyung smiled and kissed the youngers forehead "In sickness and in health...." he spoke smiling.


I know I know






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