Ch.11 Two Enemies, One Alliance

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Ch.11 Two Enemies, One Alliance

"Last time on Total Drama, The Loserific Lemurs finally won a challenge, thanks to the Pathetic Pythons getting a horrible stroke of bad luck. Meg broke another girl's heart by framing Mike. Poor little Whisper! Who will be framed today? Stay tuned to find out!"

Meg was staring at her "breakfast" when suddenly, Andrie slapped her tray on the table right next to her.
"Well played, Meg," Andrie said in a harsh tone. Meg looked at her with a raised brow.
"What do you mean by well played?" She asked. Andrie leaned closer, her maroon ponytail whacking an unsuspecting Brit.
"You wrote that letter, framing Mike," Andrie explained. Meg was shocked.

[Meg's confessional]- "Okay, pretty sure Andrie is stalking me. First she finds out I hid the Chris statue under the front stairs to the cabin, then she figures out I wrote that note? Freakish." [End of confessional]

[Andrie's confessional]- "I'm not dumb. I know how I'm gonna win this. I just hide my cell phone around random places in the cabins and such and leave it recording. Thanks to Peter, my phone can charge whenever it needs to. And did you know Sammy wears Professor What underwear? Nerd!" [End of confessional]

"Come outside with me," Andrie said to Meg. The walked out of the mess hall.
"Okay. We're both getting to the merge, right? We both have game." Meg looked a little suspicious.
"Are you asking for an alliance this early in the game? We hate each other!"
"But we hate Sammy and Duncan more, right?" Andrie asked. Meg twisted her hair around her finger. She nodded.
"They're both strong competitors. They're most likely gonna get to the merge along with Brit, Scott, and Alejandro."
"That sounds like too many people for a merge... Don't you think?" Meg said.
"Yes, that's why we take them out. We have to start throwing challenges to get the best competitors out."
"They could notice that we are the ones throwing them, though, then vote us off," Meg countered.
"Fine. Plan B: pick off every Python. We just have to win everything. You're better at framing/lying, so you'll be head antagonist. I'm good at causing drama, so I'll just break people up and do the dirty work. We still have to hate each other." Andrie said.
"That won't be too hard," Meg said.
"Who should we take first?" Andrie asked.
"I've been plucking off couples, just to make them sad, and it's totally working," Andrie nodded her head. "So I'm going for Noah today."
"No. Danicah's better at the game than he is," Andrie explained.
"True, but won't it be better to see Danicah totally fall apart? Calm, relaxed, laid back Danicah, totally broken." Meg said with an evil smile. Andrie grinned.
"I have another idea," Andrie said. "Country showed me how to whittle. I've got a third of another Chris head completed. It's all yours if this plan goes right." They shook hands.

Chris yelled through his megaphone that it was challenge time.
"Okay, campers! Today will be a pretty fun one. It's a-MAZE-ing! Hah..." Nobody laughed. "Right... Anyway, in the forest is an enormous maze. There are eleven starting points, but only four ways to get to the middle of the maze. When you get in the maze, the first person you see from your team is your partner. You must have a partner to get to the center of the maze. If you make it there by yourself, you have to go back and look for a team mate. There are a few... Erm... Distractions in there that might get you tripped up. You just better hope a team mate is around to help you. The team that doesn't get all of your team mates to the center of the maze will be on the chopping block. Have fun and don't lose!" Chris lead the teams to the maze. The walls were made of hay bails that were stacked upon each other, making them about ten feet tall.
"Remember, if you try to climb or knock over the wall, that will lead to immediate elimination. So don't do it!"
Everyone got to their entry way with a colored flag and name on it. Meg and Andrie already plotted a way to get Danicah and Noah lost in the maze.
"On your marks, get set, RUN!" Chris shouted and blew his air horn. Chef walked over to Chris holding a platter of lemonade. They were sipping away when they heard an explosion and saw Duncan flying above the maze.
"Is that what you call a distraction?" Chef asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders.
"Meh. There's worse in there." They both snickered.
Meanwhile in the maze, Meg was running and shouting her team name in hopes of finding a team mate. Sammy, Andrie, and Meg all met up at the same time.
"Ick," they all gagged and ran another way. Meg crashed into Scott. They both sighed.
"Ugh. Come on, team mate," Scott groaned. They started running.
Whisper walked cautiously hoping a "distraction" wouldn't hit her. She looked behind her, but still walked forward. Out of no where, a boxing glove punched her square in the face. Peter was running and saw Whisper just inches away from him. He stopped abruptly and tried to tip toe away.
"PETER HAS STUMBLED UPON WHISPER!" Chris screamed through the speakers. Whisper turned around and saw Peter.
"Peter!" Whisper exclaimed. Her eye was swollen shut. Peter gagged at her face.
"Let's just get going," he said.
Danicah had already been tripped by a wire, ran through quick sand, and also gotten punched in the face. Meg saw her and made an an obnoxious bird noise. Danicah looked confused.
"Team mate?" She asked quietly.
"DANICAH!" Noah yelped. Noah was being held captive by Andrie.
"Good boy," Andrie coaxed. "Now don't scream again unless I say so, or you get a little whack again." Andrie grinned. Noah looked terrified.

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