banana milkshake

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rosemary walks home with a smile on her face. she walks into the house and skips to her room. yes, skip, like full on schoolgirl-style skip. her sister, hana, stares at rosemary in disbelief before shrugging it off. rosemary stuffs her face in her pillow and let out a squeal. to think that just hours ago, luke was a complete stranger to her. rosemary still isn't sure if it's possible to be so excited about someone in such a short amount of time. 

'rose, dinner.' hana calls.

'i told you to stop calling me that.'

'fine, mary.'

rosemary groans in frustration and sits down. zac has an ice pack glued to his head from the impact earlier. he flicks an olive at rosemary's head, causing her to groan again. hana sits down next to rosemary, taking out her earbuds. 

'so, rosemary, where did you disappear to?' her mum asks.


'she went with a boy.' zac says, smirking at rosemary.

'a boy you say?' her mum says, raising her eyebrows.

'now, veronica, don't start..' rosemary's dad speaks up.

'what's his job? how old is he? is he nice? did you guys do anything? protection?'

the rest of the family continue eating their dinner while veronica launches questions at rosemary. after dinner, rosemary sits on her bed, playing with her phone. suddenly, a text pops up.

(rosemary is in bold btw)

hi rosie

um who is this?

guess rosie

i give up. who is this?

aw come on, you didn't even try :(

aw poo, guess i'll stop texting you now :(

no rosie, don't go. it's calummm

how did you even get my number???

i have my ways ;)

whatever cal. are we still in on the milkshake thing?

ofc, wouldn't miss it for the world :)

aww you're sweet, i'll see you tomorrow then?

good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite :))

hi hi guys :) this story is weird and i have no idea where i'm going with it but i hope you enjoy it :)

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