Chapter 1

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To my dear Lewis lovers, If you're reading these words, thank you for taking the chance to read this book. Don't forget to leave a comment! I hope you are not disappointed. Oh, and If you don't ship Lucy and Caspian, hopefully you will by the time this story ends.....


Cambridge, England 1949

Lucy looked out of the window in her small apartment living room searching for a familiar face. She had been anticipating this day for months, and she was so happy it was finally here. Her heart suddenly leaped and she felt giddy as she ran to her door to greet her guest. She subconsciously flung the door open and flew into his arms.
"Oh Peter! I'm so glad you could come!" She said happily as she hugged her older brother for the first time in over a year.
  "You know I couldn't miss the birthday of the century." Peter chuckled. "Happy birthday Lu."
Lucy sighed with a smile. "Thank you." She whispered.
"And when were you going to tell me Peter arrived?" Edmund stated as he leaned, with his arms crossed, against the kitchen doorway. His dark eyes twinkled with mischief as he came out of the kitchen and finally approached them.
"Oh Ed it's great to see you." Peter said as he released Lucy and grinned as the two brothers hugged each other tightly. Lucy studied the two, and she knew that their bond went far deeper than the bond of two brothers. No, Lucy thought, it was stronger than that. Their bond signified their past.. Who they once were, who they really were.
The moment ended, and they broke apart. "So, what do you think of the place?" Edmund asked lightly, gesturing to the small apartment.
      "It's saved us a lot of money." Lucy emphasized.
      "Well if it's saved you money, then it's a good place indeed." Peter said with a grin.
     "It really has. Since both Lucy and I are going to university now, it's less expensive to live together instead of apart on campus." Edmund stated.
"And you get to see each other all time." Peter added happily.
"I know. It has been so much fun." Lucy said happily.
    "So how is America?" Edmund asked curiously. Peter paused as he thought carefully.
     "It's not everything they say it is," he finally answered. "I think when I am finished with law school and graduate from Yale, I want to move back to England." He answered.
"But why?" Lucy asked in confusion. "I thought you always wanted to live in America?" 
    Peter sighed heavily. "I know, I did too," he said softly. "But being back in England, it reminds me of us, when we were younger, and together. And it's the only place where I really feel Him." He answered, his voice raw with emotion, and it made the three of them remember once again, of where they knew they really belonged.


Where a Lion awaits.....

"Oh Peter, we haven't even eaten supper yet." Lucy said as she rubbed her eyes and sniffed her nose.
    "Oh I'm sorry Lu, sometimes I just can't help but remember." He said sadly as he comforted her with a side hug.
     "How about we eat first and then talk." Edmund said, trying to change the subject. Lucy nodded and the three of them slowly made their way into the tiny kitchen to eat supper.
"I made your favorite, vegetable soup with fresh bread and cherry filled biscuits for dessert." Lucy stated happily as she got the silverware and dishes out. Peter laughed. "Lu, it's suppose to be your birthday. You didn't have to make my favorite food."
"Oh no." She responded. "I just want you to have a good visit and get all of the food you have probably missed." Lucy smiled. "And how is law school?" She served three bowls of soup on the coffee table and sat down next to her two brothers. "Oh I suppose it's alright." Peter responded. "I'm just excited I only have one more year of schooling and then I can help people." Lucy wasn't surprised when Peter announced he wanted to become a lawyer shortly after his last time in Narnia. It really wasn't that Peter loved to argue as most lawyers do, but it was that he loved understanding the laws and abiding by them in Narnia when they had once ruled. She remembered she would often find him studying ancient scrolls late at night in the grand study of Cair Paravel. Even though Peter loved everything about laws and traditions, she knew he loved it because he wanted to help people. He wanted to make people's lives easier and so that they could have a structure in Narnia. And in their world too, Lucy reminded herself.
    "Say whatever you want Pete, but we all know the truth. You just want to be a high paid Lawyer." Edmund smirked.
"Well, I suppose it's that too." Peter grinned. They conversed heartily as they ate their meal. "And how is university for you, Ed?" Peter asked as he chewed on a slice of fresh buttered bread.
"I am actually enjoying it. Since the last time you have visited I have been given access to a laboratory which is rare for a third year college student. I recently started working on an irrigation project and developing expansion methods in the agriculture trade. In fact I have been finding some attributing research in my studies. Last week the Department of Sciences Director contacted me and offered me an interning position in northern Brazil over holiday." Edmund informed in a gentle tone. Even though he was very intelligent, Edmund never bragged or elevated himself above others. Lucy always remembered him having a keen interest in the agriculture and trade agreements during the Golden Age. Now Lucy believed Edmund wanted to better the industry and further expand the field of agriculture and trade. She had no doubt that Edmund Pevensie would accomplish great things as an agricultural scientist.

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